Counseling and Crisis Intervention

Courses in this category can be used for CEUs or applied to the addiction specific training domain of Counseling and Crisis Intervention

  • Objectives

    • Identify the symptoms of bipolar
    • Examine the function of bipolar
    • Explore ways bipolar can become dysfunctional
    • Identify the impact of bipolar on the person
    • Identify interventions that are commonly used to address bipolar and prevent relapse
    • Help for family members or significant others in dealing with a person with this issue
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Compare and contrast MET with other approaches to therapy
    • Briefly review the FRAMES approach
    • Describe the stages of change
    • Define EE-DD-AA-RR-SS
    • Identify what actions to take in each of the sessions
    • Explore strategies for increasing motivation and "rolling with resistance”
    • Discuss who is appropriate for MET
    • Discuss ways to use MET with patients with co-occurring disorders
    $12.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Differentiate brief interventions from traditional interventions
    • Identify reasons for using brief interventions
    • Identify barriers to increasing the use of brief treatments
    • Evaluate recent inventions and therapies for their appropriateness with a given client or population
    • Identify methods for evaluating the effectiveness of treatment methodologies used
    • Identify the stages-of-change from the Prochaska and Diclemente model
    • Define the acronym FRAMES
    • Identify the five basic steps brief interventions use to incorporate FRAMES
    • Identify the effective use of workbooks in brief therapy
    • Identify ways brief interventions can be beneficial in substance abuse treatment settings
    • Understand research findings regarding the effectiveness and appropriate use of brief interventions
    • Identify the stages necessary for programs using brief therapy approaches
    • Identify appropriate populations with which to use brief interventions
    • Differentiate between Brief Cognitive-behavioral therapy, brief strategic interactional therapy, brief humanistic therapy, Brief psychodynamic therapy, Brief family therapy and time-limited group therapy
    • Identify the principles of each of the aforementioned Brief therapeutic strategies
    • Effectively match patients to the most effective Brief therapeutic strategy

    This multimedia course is based in part on Counselor Toolbox Podcasts 210, 169, 156, 120, 121 and 105. Text-based materials are also provided in the course for those who prefer to learn by reading.
    $60.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Define resilience
    • Describe characteristics of resilient people
    • Identify tools for helping clients handle unexpected crises and unhappy events
    • Explore steps to happiness when life sucks

    Based on Counselor Toolbox Episode 158 Building Resilience

    $9.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Identify the purposes of vocational goals
    • Learn ways to help people explore vocational wants and needs
    • Learn about the CGOE online and Hollands Career Placement Theory
    • Define and explore the concept of functional assessment
    • Review skills related to finding, getting and maintaining a job
    $9.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Explore human roles
    • Identify types of blood borne pathogens
    • Describe universal precautions
    • Identify the types of bodily fluids that contain hazards
    • List the steps necessary to take when in contact with bodily fluids
    $12.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:
    • Explore historic and well-established contemporary counseling theories, principles and techniques of counseling and their application in professional counseling settings
    • List the goals and values of client centered care
    • Identify how client centered care differs from "standard" practice
    • Explain ways in which the clinician can adjust their approach to engage the clients
    • Describe where to locus of control for decision making lies in client-centered care
    • Highlight the benefits to embracing client centered care
    $24.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    Based on TIP 42 from SAMHSA

    • Identify the four key findings regarding co-occurring disorders
    • Identify one of the main challenges for working with homeless populations
    • Define the "No wrong door” policy
    • Explain the benefit of mutual self-help for people with COD
    • Discuss integrated care as a priority for people with severe and persistent mental illness
    • Define the National Registry of Effective Programs and Practices
    • Differentiate between substance dependence and substance abuse
    • Identify the different levels of service for persons with co-occurring disorders
    • Define the Quadrants of Care
    • Define the Comprehensive Continuous Integrated System of Care as it pertains to treating persons with co-occurring disorders
    • List the Six Guiding Principles in Treating Clients With COD
    • Identify ways to Ensure Continuity of Care
    • Discuss ways to Improve Substance Abuse Treatment Systems and Programs
    • List the be Six Areas of Intermediate-Level Competencies Needed for the Treatment of Persons With COD
    $90.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Define Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and its basic principles
    • Identify factors impacting people’s choice of behaviors
    • Explore causes and impact of thinking errors
    • Identify common thinking errors and their relationship to cognitive distortions
    • Review the concept of solution focused interventions
    • Envision how CBT can be used with patients with addictions and co-occurring disorders
    $12.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Explore historic and well-established contemporary counseling theories, principles and techniques of counseling and their application in professional counseling settings.
    • Differentiate CBT from other therapies.
    • Identify populations for whom CBT is appropriate.
    • Identify 3 CBT techniques that you will use with your population.
    • Learn how to increase determination using CBT

    For mental health and addiction counselors (LPC, LMHC, LPCC, LADC, CADC, and counselors in training), social workers (LCSW, LMSW, LSW, RSW), pastoral staff, case managers (CCM) and marriage and family therapists (LMFT).

    Free for 90 days

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