Learn about Hazan and Shaver's Adult Attachment Theory
Identify the impact of insecure attachment
Explore ways to help clients change their attachment style and feel more secure in relationships
clients increase awareness of their story including beliefs about and
behavioral reactions to situations that trigger their fear of
Learn about fear of abandonment
Explore the concept of schemas or core beliefs
Examine common traps in thinking, reacting and relationships
Learn skills necessary to
Accept their past as part of their story
Acknowledge that their past does not have to continue to negatively impact them in the present
Includes Courses:
Complicated Grief (4 Hours)
Helping Clients Deal with Grief (3 Hours)
Complicated Grief and Attachment Theory (2 Hours)
Trauma, Grief and Personality Disordered Symptoms (2 Hours)
Grief, Loss and the Holidays (1 Hour)
Moral Injury and Disenfranchised Grief (4 Hours)
Prolonged Grief Disorder and other DSM 5 TR Revisions (5 Hours)