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  • Objectives

    • Overcoming fears and biases in supervision.
    • Creative methods in supervision. Monitoring progress.
    • 12 Things counselors need to learn.
    • 5 Main influences in clinical supervision.
    • Stages of supervisor and suprvisee development.
    • Trauma informed skills for supervisors.
    • Burnout prevention.
    $24.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Explore the Minkoff model
    • Examine the reciprocal relationship between addictions and mental and physical health issues
    • Discuss the concept of co-occurring enhanced treatment
    $9.00 for 30 days
  • Objectives

    Based on TIP 42 from SAMHSA

    • Identify the four key findings regarding co-occurring disorders
    • Identify one of the main challenges for working with homeless populations
    • Define the "No wrong door” policy
    • Explain the benefit of mutual self-help for people with COD
    • Discuss integrated care as a priority for people with severe and persistent mental illness
    • Define the National Registry of Effective Programs and Practices
    • Differentiate between substance dependence and substance abuse
    • Identify the different levels of service for persons with co-occurring disorders
    • Define the Quadrants of Care
    • Define the Comprehensive Continuous Integrated System of Care as it pertains to treating persons with co-occurring disorders
    • List the Six Guiding Principles in Treating Clients With COD
    • Identify ways to Ensure Continuity of Care
    • Discuss ways to Improve Substance Abuse Treatment Systems and Programs
    • List the be Six Areas of Intermediate-Level Competencies Needed for the Treatment of Persons With COD
    $90.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Define codependency
    • Identify characteristics of the codependent relationship
    • Explore the motivations for these behaviors
    • Hypothesize alternate, healthier behaviors
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Define Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and its basic principles
    • Identify factors impacting people’s choice of behaviors
    • Explore causes and impact of thinking errors
    • Identify common thinking errors and their relationship to cognitive distortions
    • Review the concept of solution focused interventions
    • Envision how CBT can be used with patients with addictions and co-occurring disorders
    $12.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Explore historic and well-established contemporary counseling theories, principles and techniques of counseling and their application in professional counseling settings.
    • Differentiate CBT from other therapies.
    • Identify populations for whom CBT is appropriate.
    • Identify 3 CBT techniques that you will use with your population.
    • Learn how to increase determination using CBT

    For mental health and addiction counselors (LPC, LMHC, LPCC, LADC, CADC, and counselors in training), social workers (LCSW, LMSW, LSW, RSW), pastoral staff, case managers (CCM) and marriage and family therapists (LMFT).

    Free for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Define learning
    • Identify assumptions about adult learning
    • Explore ways to motivate learners
    • Review learning styles
    • Learn a new skill to use in community outreach, family education and therapy groups to improve learning
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objective

    • Define complex trauma.
    • Highlight the cost of complex trauma.
    • Examine the impact and diagnostic issues of complex trauma.
    • Continue discussing impact of complex trauma on children and adolescents.
    • Identify the function of presenting symptoms.
    • Learn to apply practical tools to aid in teaching new skills and tools and helping the patient improve quality of life.


    $12.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Identify the differences between anticipated and sudden loss and at least five factors that affect individual reactions to loss.
    • Explore how people perceive and make sense of trauma and unexpected change and what information and education is most helpful immediately after death.
    • Learn effective presence and support measures, self-care techniques, including self-awareness, externalization and actions.
    • Review associated complications that can arise from sudden and/or violent death and how to effectively mourn the person who died and maintain a healthy connection.

    $12.00 for 90 days
  • This course is preapproved by CRCC
    $60.00 for 90 days

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