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  • Objectives
    • Compare and contrast substance abuse treatment and family therapy
    • Explain how substance abuse treatment and family therapy can be integrated
    • Discuss the different definitions of family
    • Identify how families are distinguished from social support groups
    • Identify the four characteristics of families central to family therapy
    • Discuss five core components of the systems theory of marriage and family therapy
    • Discuss the four predominant family therapy models used in substance abuse treatment
    • Identifying the five stages of change in the Prochaska model
    • Identify the three levels of recovery in Kaufman's model
    • Identify the three phases of family change in substance abuse family therapy
    • Discuss criteria for determining the appropriateness of family therapy with substance abuse clients
    • Describe the impact of substance abuse on families
    • Describe the five characteristic patterns of codependent behavior
    • Discuss for strategies for addressing substance abuse is that family
    • Explain the concepts of denial and resistance
    • Discuss the value of using integrated models for providing substance abuse treatment to families
    • Discuss the limitations of integrated models
    • Identify seven general questions we should be answered when choosing and applying a family systems model
    • Differentiate between the eight integrated models for substance abuse treatment
    • Identify special populations to consider when using family therapy
    • Identify some of the most prominent challenges to emerging family therapy and substance abuse treatment
    • Describe and I components that are necessary in order to provide a comprehensive range of program activities
    • Define what adequate treatment is characterized by within a culturally competent model of substance abuse treatment and family therapy.
    $90.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Describe the need for continuity of care for the offender from substance use treatment facility into the community.
    • Identify different criteria included in the offender’s needs assessment upon entering treatment.
    • Define principles and criteria of transition plans.
    • List commonly used sanctions.
    • List commonly used rewards.
    • Describe events in the criminal’s developmental life that could have led to their particular way of thinking and acting.
    • Define criteria included in discharge planning.
    • List indicators of treatment success.
    • List services that are important to incorporate into the life of an offender being discharged from inpatient treatment.
    • Identify special issues or circumstances that require additional services or attention.
    • Define confidentiality guidelines and regulations.
    $24.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Post Traumatic Stress and the development of gambling issues
    • Issues related to the co-occurrence of food addiction and gambling diorder
    • Explore financial interventions with problem gamblers
    • Learn about triggers for problem gambling and related issues in the elderly
    • Review the relationship between gambling and domestic violence
    • Review the literature related to patients with alexthymia who also have gambling disorder.
    • Identify issues and interventions related to treatment of persons with bipolar disorder and gambling problems
    • Explore the public stigma of gambling issues
    • Identify unique concerns, issues and recommendations for people with gambling issues who use internet gambling modalities.
    $72.00 for 90 days

  • Objectives
    • Examine Personalized Feedback Interventions for Gambling Disorders:
    • Identify treatment for Women Gamblers Using Web, Teleconference and Workbook
    • Explore Using Virtual Reality in the Treatment of Gambling Disorder
    • Review Psychological Treatments for Gambling Disorder
    • Review the Guideline for Screening, Assessment and Treatment of Problem Gambling, and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health’s Practice Guidelines for Treating Gambling-Related Problems
    $48.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Learn about Gambling Addiction
    • Differentiate between problem and non-problem gambling
    • Review an introduction to the treatment of gambling disorder
    • Explore Gambling in a societal context
    • Identify game characteristics and their impact
    • Compare and contrast substance addiction to gambling issues
    • Explore concurrent disorders often present with gambling issues
    • Identify special issues in understanding gambling in older adults, adolescents and women
    • Review how the stages of change model can be applied to selecting interventions and goals for persons with gambling issues
    • Explore criteria for exploring reduction vs. abstinence goals
    • Identify common triggers for gambling
    • Learn about screening and assessment instruments used in the identification of problem gambling
    • Learn about issues often present in the family of a person with a gambling problem, and potential interventions
    • Identify personality characteristics which are more predictive of problem gambling
    $60.00 for 90 days

  • Objectives
    • Examine Personalized Feedback Interventions for Gambling Disorders:
    • Identify treatment for Women Gamblers Using Web, Teleconference and Workbook
    • Explore Using Virtual Reality in the Treatment of Gambling Disorder
    • Review Psychological Treatments for Gambling Disorder
    • Review the Guideline for Screening, Assessment and Treatment of Problem Gambling, and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health’s Practice Guidelines for Treating Gambling-Related Problems
    $48.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Discuss the characteristics of group leaders.
    • Describe concepts and techniques for conducting substance abuse treatment group therapy.
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Recognize how their attitudes and beliefs about aging and about older individuals may be relevant to their assessment and treatment of older adults
    • Develop knowledge about adult development and aging
    • Understand diversity in the aging process
    • Understand cognitive changes in older adults., problems in daily living among older adults.
    • Review theory, research, and practice of various methods of assessment and intervention with older adults, and knowledgeable of assessment instruments that are psychometrically suitable for use with them.
    • Develop awareness of issues related to the provision of prevention and health promotion services with older adults.
    $9.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Discuss advances in HIV prevention and treatment
    • List the goals of HIV Counseling, Testing and Referral (CTR)
    • Identify the principles of CTR
    • Differentiate between targeted and routinely recommended CTR
    • Identify settings and populations that are at increased risk for HIV
    • Learn about circumstances for which HIV preventative treatment exists
    • Identify information all clients who request counseling should receive
    • Identify the elements of HIV prevention counseling
    • List the characteristics of the effective HIV CTR counselor
    • List ways to reduce barriers to HIV CTR
    • Correctly match HIV test technologies and results (screening vs. confirmatory)
    • Identify the difference between a reactive and nonreactive sample
    • List possible referral needs for clients testing HIV positive or for high-risk clients
    • Identify barriers to accessing referral resources
    • Learn the 11 standards to assess for quality assurance
    $30.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Review current knowledge reference HIV awareness and screening 
    • Explore the Physical, Affective, Cognitive, Environmental and Relational needs of people living with HIV
      • Energy/Fatigue - Symptoms 
      • Battling the virus 
      • Stress 
      • Medication side effects 
      • Interventions 
      • Changes in routines 
    $9.00 for 90 days

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