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  • Objectives
    • Describe Normal Development
    • Discuss Theories of Development
    • Explain the Development and Impact of Temperament
    • Review Developmental Psychopathology
    • Learn About Current Developmental Theory Applied to Child Mental Health and Illness
    • Review Risk Factors and Prevention
    • Review Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment Strategies with Children
    • Identify Various Major Categories of Mental Disorders in Children
    • Review Factors Impacting Service Utilization
    • Discuss New Roles for Families in Systems of Care
    $30.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Identify signs and causes of burnout
    • Explore techniques for burnout prevention
    $3.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Core Mindfulness
    • Walking the Middle Path
    • Distress Tolerance
    • Emotion Regulation
    • Interpersonal Effectiveness
    • Mindfulness Exercises
    • DBT Games and Activities
    $9.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Discuss the mind-body connection and its applications in the counseling setting
    • Define Mindlessness
    • Define Mindfulness
    • Differentiate between Mindfulness and Purposeful Action
    • Identify how mindfulness can be useful in practice
    • Explore several different mindfulness techniques and activities
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:
    Review the basics of:

    • Psychodynamics
    • Phenomenological reality (autobiography)
    • Transference
    • Compare and contrast (are you safe now?)
    • Creating PACER safety and Mindfulness of the Present
    $3.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Explore how trauma impacts our spiritual development and cognitions
    • Learn about 30 trauma-informed interventions including:
      • Mindfulness
      • Crisis Planning
      • Values Identification and Living in the And
      • Incorporation of cultural resources
      • Pandora's Box
      • Narrative therapy
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Explain how trauma informed practices and trauma specific services can enhance client retention, treatment outcomes and organizational standing
    • Understand the difference between trauma-informed and trauma-specific services
    • Demonstrate knowledge of how trauma affects diverse people throughout their lifespans and with different mental health problems, cognitive and physical disabilities, and substance use issues
    • Demonstrate knowledge of the impact of trauma on diverse cultures with regard to the meanings various cultures attach to trauma and the attitudes they have regarding behavioral health treatment
    • Identify the 16 components of trauma informed care
    • Describe the impact of trauma on the individual, family and community
    • Review best practices for trauma screening and assessment
    • Develop an understanding of behavior as communication which may have been learned or developed as a way of coping with trauma and will learn skills and tools to enhance rapport, motivation and client activation.
    • Demonstrate knowledge of the variety of ways clients express stress reactions
    • Describe how these reactions “make sense” from a survival/reinforcement perspective
    • Identify ways to help clients develop alternate responses while maintaining personal power and a sense of safety
    • Give examples of when clients trauma histories may have triggered the use of : Avoidance, aggression, passivity
    • Learn approaches to enhance client empowerment and choice.
    • Explore approaches to trauma-informed crisis intervention
    • Identify biopsychosocial interventions that can assist in the recovery from trauma.
    • Learn ways to enhance mindfulness
    • Explore techniques for addressing cognitive distortions
    $72.00 for 120 days
  • Objectives:

    During the person-centered planning process, participants look at current patterns, interests, and strengths in each of the 10 factors.  

    •     Stress Management  
    •     Healthy Eating  
    •     Physical Activity  
    •     Restful Sleep  
    •     Mindfulness  
    •     Support Network  
    •     Optimism Based on Positive Expectations  
    •     Cognitive Skills to Avoid Negative Thinking 
    •     Spiritual Beliefs and Practices  
    •     A Sense of Meaning and Purpose    

    Based on Counselor Toolbox Podcast Episode 326

    $42.00 for 90 days

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