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  • Mental health and addiction intervention is a growing field, but it is essential to have the skills and tools to effectively conduct an intervention without causing harm to the identified patient or the family.  Interventionists do not provide assessment or counseling, they work with the family to try to help motivate an individual to seek out counseling. It is highly recommended that you mentor under a certified interventionist in addition to taking the academic training.

    This course provides at minimum, the following training:

    • 2 Hours What is Intervention?
    • 6 Hours Addiction Specific Training
    • 15 Hours in Detoxification and Medical Emergencies
    • 3 Hours in Screening
    • 5 Hours in Pharmacology
    • 3 Hours in Sex Addiction
    • 3 Hours in Gambling Addiction
    • 10 Hours in Pre-Intervention and Intervention Models and Skills
    • 12 Hours in Family Systems
    • 12 Hours n Motivational Interviewing
    • 6 Hours in Crisis Intervention
    • 10 Hours in Treatment Placement and Aftercare
    • 10 Hours in Case Management
    • 8 Hours in Ethics and Documentation
    • A final, comprehensive online test
    • OPTIONAL information on starting a small business
    $149.00 for 365 days
  • Based on the NARR standards, this training series provides education to become certified as a Recovery Residence Administrator Objectives Recovery Residence Operations and Administration: 20 hours
    • NARR Standards for Recovery Residences/
    • 397.487 Voluntary certification of recovery residences.
    • Writing Policies and Procedures
    • Risk Management
    Maintaining the Physical Residence: 20 hours
    • Crisis Prevention and Intervention
    • Verbal De-Escalation
    • Disaster Planning
    Resident Screening and Admissions: 10 hours
    • Behavioral -health screening tools
    • Medication management
    • Signs and symptoms of intoxication & withdrawal
    Residence Recovery Support: 30 hours
    • Understanding Addiction and Co-Occurring Disorders
    • Relapse Prevention
    • Motivational Enhancement
    • Wellness Strategies
    • Practical Living Skills (interpersonal Effectiveness)
    Legal, Professional and Ethical Responsibilities: 20 hours
    • FARR Code of Ethics
    • Client Rights
    • Cultural competence
    • Documentation
    • Emotional/social intelligence (Emotion Regulation and Distress Tolerance)
    • Facilitates collaborative treatment and recovery planning with an emphasis on personal choice and a focus on clients' goals and knowledge of what has previously worked for them
    • Respects clients' ways of managing stress reactions while supporting and facilitating taking risks to acquire different coping skills that are consistent with clients' values and preferred identity and way of being in the world
    • Demonstrates knowledge and skill in general trauma-informed counseling strategies, including, but not limited to, grounding techniques that manage dissociative experiences, cognitive- behavioral tools that focus on both anxiety reduction and distress tolerance, and stress management and relaxation tools that reduce hyperarousal
    $99.00 for 365 days
  • Online certificate training for REcovery Support Specialists

    provides 75 hours of content specific training, allocated as follows:

    Legal and Professional Responsibility: 22 hours
    a.Ethics– 6 hours
    b.HIPAA/Confidentiality– 2 hours
    c.Self-Care/Professional Development –4 hours
    d.Cultural Competency –4 hours
    e.Electives in above –6 hours

    Re-engagement, Crisis Support and Safety: 13 hours
    a.Risk/Crisis Management –6 hours
    b.Domestic Violence– 3 hours
    c.Electives in above –4 hours

    Resource Linkage/Follow Up: 13 hours
    a.Active Care Coordination –6 hours
    b.Documentation– 3 hours
    c.Electives in above –4 hours

    Practical Living Skills/Social Development: 10 hours
    a.Social Development –6 hours
    b.Electives in above –4 hours

    Recovery Management: 17 hours
    a.Overview of Addiction/Stages of Recovery –4 hours
    b.Addiction and Brain Chemistry/Pharmacology –3 hours
    c.Recovery Management –2 hours
    d.Co-occurring Disorders –4 hours
    e.Relapse Prevention –2 hours
    f.Motivational Enhancement –2 hours

    $99.00 for 365 days
  • As we become aware of the full magnitude of the pornography and sex addiction issues, people are realizing that these clients need specialized treatment. The SPARC track provides you with indispensable information about what sex and pornography addiction are, how they are similar and different to substance addictions, treatment interventions and relapse prevention tools that can be used with your clients. The track includes AI assistance to help you better learn and apply the information. Objectives

    • Define sex and pornography addiction
    • Compare and contrast sex addiction with drug addiction
    • Identify and evaluate the impact of porn
    • Assist clients in increasing their motivation to stop using porn
    • Identify basic processes underlying Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Contextual Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for addiction treatment
    • Learn tools to help clients stop using porn and deal with cravings
    • Discover new ways to help clients rebuild self-esteem and restore personal integrity
    • Identify tools that can assist sex addicts
    • Explore current protocols for early recovery of the sex addict
    • Identify issues that may impact the relationship and ways to engage the significant other in the recovery process
    • Learn about the impact of automatic thoughts and ways to help patients deal with negative automatic thoughts
    • Understand the impact of past experiences and life history on the development of addiction
    • Identify techniques for breaking the cycle of self blame
    • Help clients learn how to tolerate things going well
    • Explore the effects of sex and pornography addiction on the viewer, the partner and the relationship.
    • Identify pitfalls in the recovery process
    • Help clients heal a relationship harmed by porn use
    • Understand what "normal" behaviors from both partners often looks like after a betrayal
    • Explore ways to re-open lines of communication
    • Help clients develop a thriving and satisfying sex life without using porn
    • Define relapses and triggers
    • Create a relapse prevention plan: Identifying triggers and developing positive behavioral alternatives
    $149.00 for 365 days
  • Objectives:

    The student will learn about:

    • The FRAMES approach
    • Decisional balance exercises 
    • Discrepancies between personal goals and current behavior
    • Flexible pacing
    • Personal contact with clients not in treatment
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    This class provides you the foundation knowledge to facilitate group psychoeducation based upon the QuickStart Guide for Recovery from Addiction and Co-Occurring Disorders.

    • Learn about co-occurring disorders and the interaction between addiction, physical and mental health
    • Learn about the PACER dimensions of motivation
    • Describe the components of SMART Goal Setting
    • Identify the appropriate interventions for each stage of readiness for change
    • Identify at least 3 ways to enhance self efficacy
    $15.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Psychological theories of crime.
    • Critical theory.
    • Conflict theory.
    • Deterrence and rational choice.
    • Labelling theory.
    • Self control theory.
    • Unique needs of the offender.
    • Intervention strategies.

    $90.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Explore Why We Procrastinate
    • Learn how to address some of the most common causes
      • Fear of Failure (and Success)
      • Perfectionism
      • Being Overwhelmed
      • Laziness/Lack of Motivation
      • Negative Self-Talk
      • Uncertainty about How or Where to Start
    • Identify techniques to overcome procrastination
      • Do 15 and Apply Parkinsons Law
      • Shorten the daily to do list
      • Leverage Peak Energy Times
      • Be accountable to Someone
      • Pay attention to temperament
      • Low tolerance for adversity/Attitude of gratitude
      • Find (and eliminate) what rewards your procrastination
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Define types of resistance
    • Examine some of the reasons for treatment noncompliance
    • Explore how to differentiate learning vs. performance issues
    • Review principles of motivational enhancement
    • Identify techniques to respond to noncompliance including: Roll with Resistance Tipping the Scales

    Based on Counselor Toolbox Episode 163

    $9.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Explore the function of anger
    • Identify the costs and benefits of anger
    • Identify anger triggers
      • Rejection/Isolation
      • Failure
      • Loss of control
      • The unknown
    • Explore multiple skills necessary for Anger Management:
      • Mindful self-awareness
      • Distress tolerance
      • Values clarification/Goal setting
      • Motivational enhancement skills
      • Cognitive behavioral skills
      • Cognitive processing skills
      • Communication skills
      • Compassion focused skills
      • Self-esteem building skills
      • Wellness skills (Vulnerability identification and prevention)
    $30.00 for 90 days

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