Rehabilitation Counseling CEUs
Wow. It doesn't seem like it has been 25 years since I graduated from the Department of Rehabilitation Counseling at the University of Florida. Much of my current practice and approach to teaching as well as counseling is based on Rehabilitation Counseling theory. I am always interested in courses which are currently relevant to your practice as a Rehabilitation Counselor. Please email course requests to support.
Although all of our mental health and rehabilitation counseling courses are written to the CRCC standards for post-approval, we have taken the guesswork out of it and have two CEU courses PREapproved each year by CRCC.

CRCC PRE-Approved Courses
CRCC allows certificants to take courses that are either PRE-approved or apply for post-approval. Unfortunately, since each course has to be individually approved and paid for we are only able to get 2 courses PRE-approved each year. Shop Now.

Case Management and Vocational Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation Counselors have a very diverse job description which includes case management, long-term care planning and vocational rehabilitation. You can find multiple courses specific to case management and vocational rehabilitation. Shop Now
AllCEUs also offers a Certification in Integrative Behavioral Health Case Management here.
NOTE: These courses will require post-approval by CRCC for your CRC renewal. All of our courses are written to conform to CRCC guidelines.

Since people with addictions may have difficulty getting employed, may have criminal records, and often have co-occurring mental illness, Rehabilitation Counselors are often found in substance abuse and co-occurring disorder treatment facilities. This section focuses on the addiction counseling aspect. AllCEUs is also a NAADAC approved education provider and offers addiction counselor precertification training that is accepted in more than 23 states. Shop Now
NOTE: These courses will require post-approval by CRCC for your CRC renewal. All of our courses are written to conform to CRCC guidelines.

Counseling Techniques
Explore courses on:
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy
- Motivational Interviewing and Enhancement
- and more…
NOTE: These courses will require post-approval by CRCC for your CRC renewal. All of our courses are written to conform to CRCC guidelines.

Pain Management
More than 1/3 of adults struggle with chronic pain at some point in their lives. Ongoing pain disrupts sleep and contributes to emotional and cognitive impairment. Explore strategies to help people cope with chronic pain.
NOTE: These courses will require post-approval by CRCC for your CRC renewal. All of our courses are written to conform to CRCC guidelines.