Infographic Vault
The following infographics are based on episodes of Counselor Toolbox Podcast Feel free to download or share these with your colleagues. All Counselor Toolbox Podcast Episodes are also available in video format on our YouTube channel and the corresponding CEU courses for LPCs, LCSWs, LMFTs, RPs, CRCs, CADCs, LADCs (and more…) can be found on this easy to use crosswalk.
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Triggers and Cravings in Addiction Recovery | Addiction Counselor Training
Triggers and cravings are essential concepts in understanding addiction recovery. These two factors play a significant role in the cycle of addiction, influencing relapses and the daily struggles of those attempting to remain sober. Grasping the function and impact of triggers and cravings can significantly enhance the strategies used in managing addictive behaviors and sustaining recovery.
Strategies to Develop Secure Attachment at All Ages
In every stage of life, from infancy through adulthood, the formation of secure attachments is crucial for emotional health and the development of stable relationships. Understanding how to foster these attachments provides not only a foundational skill set for parents but also for individuals in their own relationships.
Attachment Theory Basic: What Is It and Why Should I Care
Attachment theory explains the dynamics of long-term relationships between humans, focusing on the bonds between children and their caregivers. This theory is crucial because it helps us understand how early relationships shape our social and emotional development.
Impact of Poor Nutrition on Depression, Anxiety, and Addiction Recovery | Counseling and Social Work CEUs
Good nutrition plays a crucial role in mental health, impacting everything from our mood to our ability to handle stress and recover from addiction. When we eat poorly, our body struggles to produce the neurotransmitters and hormones needed to feel good and function well, which can lead to or exacerbate mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and even addiction.
Creating Secure Attachment Part 4: Validation
Understanding how to create secure attachments is crucial for mental health and well-being. One of the key components of building these secure attachments is through the process of validation. Validation is a simple yet powerful tool that communicates to someone that their thoughts, feelings, and needs are acknowledged and respected. This article delves into the essence of validation, why it matters, and how you can apply it in your daily interactions to foster stronger, healthier relationships.
How Are Nursing Homes Failing Addiction Patients in 2025?
How Are Nursing Homes Failing Addiction Patients in 2025? CEU Class at 🤖 Use to get answers to mental health questions and inline citations to the relevant points in YouTube...
YouTube Challenge: Increase Respect — Live Q&A With Doc Snipes
🤖 Use to get answers to mental health questions and inline citations to the relevant points in YouTube videos. ✍ 💻 Earn Live and On-Demand CEUs in social work, counseling, family therapy, case management, psychology and more
Creating Secure Attachment Part 5 Encouragement and Support
Creating secure attachment is essential for healthy relationships and mental well-being. Encouragement and support are two critical components that contribute to this process. Understanding the difference between these two and how to effectively provide them can help you foster stronger, more secure attachments with yourself and others.
Drug and Alcohol Related Brain Damage – Counselor Education Series
Alcohol and Substance Related Brain Damage Causes, Signs and Treatments. Cuonselor Eudcation Series CEUs are available at 🤖 Use to get answers to mental health questions and inline citations to the relevant points in YouTube...
Creating Secure Attachment Part 3: Attention
Creating secure attachments is crucial for mental health and overall well-being. Secure attachment is characterized by consistency, responsiveness, and attention. Consistency means showing up regularly and being present for yourself and others. Responsiveness goes beyond just being present; it involves actively engaging and addressing the needs of others in a way that makes them feel safe and supported. Attention, the focus of this discussion, is about proactively giving your time and care to yourself and those around you.