Counselor Toolbox Podcast

CEU courses based on the videos at YouTube Doc Snipes

  • Curriculum

    This specialty certificate track is designed around the Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist requirements of the Florida Certification Board and based on the objectives set forth by the Association for the Treatment of Tobacco Use and Dependence (ATTUD).  If your state requires additional subject matter or hours, please submit a support ticket to and we will gladly add what you need.

    • Health Education:  3 hours 
    • Assessment and Referral:  3 hours 
    • Treatment Planning and Counseling:  16 hours 
    • Professional Responsibility:  6 hours 
    • Electives:  12 hours 
    $99.00 for 120 days
  • Objectives:

    • Review the benefits of brief techniques
    • Review assessment strategies for brief interventions
    • Learn 13 brief, cross-cutting interventions
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    The student will learn about:

    • The FRAMES approach
    • Decisional balance exercises 
    • Discrepancies between personal goals and current behavior
    • Flexible pacing
    • Personal contact with clients not in treatment
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Define and explore mindfulness and compassion.
    • Discuss essential skills for new mindfulness teachers.
    • Explore the Mindfulness program, how to implement it in practice and assist patients in achieving goals for each of the 8 session
    $36.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    This course will cover the following:
    • The Goal of ACT
    • What is Mindfulness?
    • How Does ACT Differ from Other Mindfulness-based Approaches?
    • What is Unique to Act?
    • Healthy Normality
    • Destructive Normality
    • Experiential Avoidance
    • Therapeutic Interventions
    • Confronting the Agenda
    • Control is the Problem, Not the Solution
    • Six Core Principles of ACT
    $24.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Identify the components of ACT
    • Explore how ACT differs from other approaches to trauma treatment
    • Learn some techniques that can help people live a rich and meaningful life
    • Explore the problem of experiential avoidance and trauma
    • Learn to develop creative hopelessness
    • Help clients use self-as-context for commitment toward valued living
    $12.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Help clients learn the art of Radical Acceptance including
    • Accepting Failure
    • Accepting Isolation & Rejection
    • Accepting Loss of Control
    • Accepting Loss & Death

    This multimedia course is based in part on Counselor Toolbox Podcasts 38 & 161

    $12.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Define co-occurring disorders
    • Identify the impact of addiction on the individual
    • Identify the impact of mood disorders on the individual
    • Identify the impact of chronic illness or pain on the individual
    • Explore the interplay between the three

    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Describe the prevalence of substance abuse in older American adults.
    • Describe the need for treatment of substance abuse disorders in older adults.
    • Identify how the physical effects of normal aging can affect the way an older person responds to alcohol or other drugs.
    • Identify older adult screening criteria for substance use disorders.
    • Identify risk factors in older adults for substance abuse.
    • List physical symptoms that can potentially signal the development of addiction.
    • Describe delirium and dementia.
    • List indications for inpatient substance detoxification.
    • Describe brief interventions for substance abuse.
    • Describe the FRAMES Approach.
    • Explain the different types of treatment settings and their individual characteristics.
    • Explain the different treatment approaches and their individual characteristics.
    • Describe age specific staffing needs.
    • Identify resources for older adults and treating substance abuse in older adults.
    $18.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Review Bowlby's theory of attachment
    • Explore the types of attachment
    • Learn about Hazan and Shaver's Adult Attachment Theory
    • Identify the impact of insecure attachment
    • Explore ways to help clients change their attachment style and feel more secure in relationships
    • Help clients increase awareness of their story including beliefs about and behavioral reactions to situations that trigger their fear of abandonment Learn about fear of abandonment
    • Explore the concept of schemas or core beliefs Examine common traps in thinking, reacting and relationships
    • Learn skills necessary to
      • Accept their past as part of their story
      • Acknowledge that their past does not have to continue to negatively impact them in the present
    $9.00 for 90 days

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