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Presented by: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes
Executive Director, AllCEUs

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~    Define bullying
~    Explore the types of bullying
~    Identify characteristics of bullies
~    Identify motivations for bullying
~    Identify effects of bullying
~    Explore interventions to
~    Stop Bullying
~    Help bullying victims
What is Bullying
~    A pattern of aggressive behavior involving unwanted negative actions which involves an imbalance of strength or power (physical, social)
How Big of A Problem Is It
~    Prevalence
~    More than half of adolescents have been bullied online and about the same number have engaged in bullying
~    Only 1 in 10 tells a parent they have been a victim

~    Bullycide
~    According to the Yale School of Medicine, adolescent suicide rates have increased more than 50% in the last 30 years.
~    19,000 victims of bullying will attempt suicide each year (1 every 30 minutes) according to the American Psychiatric Association
Types of Bullying
~    Verbal
~    Degrading or demeaning to give the aggressor power
~    Physical
~    Pushing, shoving, hitting
~    Stealing
~    Sexual assault
~    Relational
~    When behaviors are used as a means of achieving a goal
~    In reaction/retaliation to provocation
Types of Bullying
~    Cyberbullying
~    The use of the internet and related technologies (i.e. Iphones, Snapchat, Instagram etc…) to harm other people in a deliberate and repeated manner.
~    Is inescapable
~    Forms
~    Harrassment
~    Impersonation
~    Use of Photographs
~    Creating websites and blogs
~    Participating in “happy slapping”
Characteristics of Bullies
~    Lower parental supervision  (More permissive)
~    Drug and alcohol use
~    Family conflict
~    Parents, coaches who show power and aggression by yelling, hitting
~    Siblings or friends who bully the child
~    Trouble standing up to peer pressure
~    Relate to others negatively
Characteristics of Bullies
~    Desire for power and control
~    Lack of empathy
~    Strong needs for power and dominance
~    Often rewarded in some wat for their behavior (material, social or psychological)
Motivations for Bullying
~    Power & Control
~    “Respect” (Intimidation)
~    Revenge
~    Social and material rewards

~    Questions
~    Where does the need for power and control come from?
~    What are the long and short term benefits of bullying and how can they be reduced?
~    What other ways can be provided for youth to achieve the same benefits in a prosocial manner?
Characteristics of Victims & Interventions
~    Overweight, underweight, not physically attractive
~    New students.
~    Assign them a mentor
~    Being different or not considered “cool.”
~    Emphasize and reward student strengths beginning in elementary school.
~    Perceived as weak or unable to defend themselves
~    Pay particular attention to students who are bully-prone
Characteristics of Victims & Interventions
~    Depressed, anxious
~    Teach age-appropriate coping skills
~    Educate about depression and fear/anxiety
~    Low self-esteem
~    Increase self-esteem
~    Reduce need for external validation
~    Unpopular or do not socialize well with others
~    Teach social skills
~    Teach communication skills

Effects of Bullying
~    Unwillingness to attend school
~    Lower grades
~    Increased somatic complaints
~    Lower self-esteem
~    More anxiety and depression
~    Increased risk for alcohol or drug use
~    Increased risk for eating disorders
Bullying Myths
~    Only boys bully
~    Kids will outgrow bullying
~    People who bully have low self-esteem
~    Bullying will resolve itself if you ignore it
~    Bullying is done when nobody else is around
~    Teachers intervene to stop bullying
~    Reporting bullying will make it worse
~    Educate kids about the consequences
~    Encourage victims to not respond and “feed in”
~    Keep computers in a public area of the house
~    Encourage friendships
~    Teach effective communication skills
~    Identify ways to cope with bullying
~    Facilitate school success and commitment
~    Improve school organization and student monitoring and enforcement of anti-bullying rules
More Interventions
~    Support open expression of objective opinions
~    Teach problem solving
~    Provide opportunities for cooperative group work IN the classroom
~    Bullying is far more prevalent today than before
~    Cyberbullying feels inescapable
~    Bullying related suicide attempts have increased drastically
~    Depression involves feeling hopeless and helpless
~    Interventions
~    Build on children's strengths (self-esteem)
~    Teach them how to cope with adversity
~    Provide tools and opportunities for social skills development and friendships

~    Interventions
~    Educate about the difference between respect and intimidation
~    Enforce a no bullying policy at school AND home (Family contracts for non-bullying)
~    Teach children how to report cyberbullying
~    Eliminate the rewards bullies get for bullying
~    Broaden consequences to not only primary bullies but “henchmen”
~    Increase rewards for prosocial behavior


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