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Anger Management 2
Presented by: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes
Executive Director, AllCEUs

Counseling Continuing Education Course can be purchased for this at

~    Explore multiple skills necessary for Anger Management
~    Mindful self-awareness
~    Distress tolerance
~    Values clarification/Goal setting
~    Motivational enhancement skills
~    Cognitive behavioral skills
~    Cognitive processing skills
~    Communication skills
~    Compassion focused skills
~    Self-esteem building skills
~    Wellness skills (Vulnerability identification and prevention)
Mindful Self-Awareness
~    Becoming aware of your physical, emotional and mental state in the present moment by
~    Doing regular mindfulness minutes
~    Identifying your vulnerabilities and adjusting accordingly
~    Learning to identify the components of your feelings’
~    Emotional
~    Thoughts
~    Physical sensations
~    Behavioral urges

Distress Tolerance
~    Distract don’t react
~    Ride the wave
~    Positive coping thoughts or affirmations
~    Mindful breathing
~    Do the opposite
~    Sublimation

Values Clarification/Goal Setting
~    What are your values…things you want to be known for? (compassion, creativity, loyalty, patience, tolerance, determination, honesty, faithfulness, courage, optimism, integrity)
~    In your relationships with others
~    In your work
~    What is important to you…
~    In 5 years what do you need to have to be content?
~    Alternate exercise:  What 20 things do you need to be happy…  Eliminate until 2 things at a time until there are 6 left

Acceptance and Commitment Interventions
~    Ask why does client consider anger to be a problem?
~    Determine if anger is part of experiential avoidance
~    Determine if anger is ‘instrumental’ – ie to manipulate others
~    Distinguish feeling angry from acting aggressively
~    Increase body awareness: mindfulness of physical sensations that indicate anger is rising.
~    Defusion around unhelpful cognitions that feed anger or justify aggressive behavior.
~    Increase awareness of anger triggers
~    Learn to ‘surf’ anger.
~    Connect with values: what sort of partner/parent/ friend/ worker do you want to be?
~    Imaginary and in vivo rehearsal of values-consistent responses

Motivational Enhancement
~    Cognitive Distortions and Unhelpful Thoughts
~    All or Nothing
~    Feelings are facts
~    Tunnel vision
~    Personalization
~    Magnification
~    Fallacy of fairness
~    ABCs
~    Activating Event
~    Beliefs
~    Consequences
~    Dispute unhelpful beliefs
~    Evaluate the best use of your energy

~    Play out the tape…
~    X happened and I got angry because…. which is related to which threat (rejection, failure, loss of control, the unknown)
~    What is the evidence for and against
~    Do I have tunnel vision/focused on just one aspect
~    How might I have caused or contributed to the event
~    What else might have contributed to the other person’s reaction
~    Am I using all or none terms
~    Am I confusing something that is possible with something that is likely?
~    Are your reactions based on feelings or facts?
~    Stay seated or both people go on a walk side by side
~    One person talks at a time
~    Person 1 states her position
~    Person 2 listens and paraphrases what she think she heard
~    Person 1 confirms or corrects.
This process repeats until person 1 feels understood.
~    Then person 2 gets to state her perspective
~    Person 1 listens and paraphrases what she think she heard
~    Person 2 confirms or corrects.
This process repeats until both people feel understood and the problem is resolved or tabled for later

~    Try to start with something positive…
~    I appreciate that…
~    Do not use “but”
~    No interrupting
~    One problem at a time
~    Identify your part in the situation (if any)
~    Use objective, measurable language
~    Avoid using all or nothing terms
~    Avoid catastrophizing
~    Propose solutions

~    Instead of staying angry at yourself for doing something wrong or failing at something
~    Think about what your values are regarding how to treat people.  Treat yourself that way
~    Think what you would say to your child
~    Identify what you can learn from the situation
~    Instead of staying angry at others
~    Think about what your values are regarding how to treat people, and choose a consistent course of action
~    Identify 3 alternate reasons this may have happened
~    If it is to manipulate others to do something for you or to get attention…do it yourself.

~    Lack of self-esteem contributes to constantly seeking external approval and being hypersensitive to threats of rejection and/or isolation
~    Values based activities build self esteem
~    A stranger on the street gives you an ugly look
~    You take it as a personal rejection
~    Your initial response is to lash out
~    You want to be thought of as a compassionate, caring person
~    Instead you smile and say good morning
Self-Esteem Enhancement Planning
~    Who I Am vs. Who I Want to Be Activity
~    Top 5 Values Activity
~    What can you do to build them
~    Keep a journal each day of what you did to embody them
~    Value-A-Day
~    The Friends You Keep (Mirror Exercise)
~    “Way to Go!” List (Tear down brick wall, or build up eggs)
~    Motivational sayings about…
~    Rejection/Acceptance
~    Failure/Success
~    The Unknown/Taking Chances
~    Loss of Control / Trust /Faith

Wellness Skills
~    Increase the happy
~    Don’t sweat the small stuff
~    Keep a gratitude journal
~    Put a priority on relaxation
~    Limit the irritants
~    Counter every negative with a positive
~    Get quality sleep
~    Eat a healthy diet
~    Exercise
~    Address pain issues
Wellness Skills
~    Know yourself and be your best friend
~    Develop a social support system
~    Make your environment welcoming and comfortable

~    Anger is a response to a threat
~    As children many things can be threatening, and a single event can be overgeneralized
~    Adults may need to challenge those beliefs
~    Level the playing field by taking care of yourself like you would care for your child
~    Address vulnerabilities
~    Learn about your anger triggers
~    Develop coping strategies to deal with threats of rejection, isolation, failure, the unknown and loss of control
~    Identify your values and values-consistent reactions to threats (note card)
~    Learn ways do de-escalate
~    Breathe
~    Strengths-based coping mantra
~    Disengage
~    Take a walk
~    Phone a friend
~    Distract
~    Urge/Feelings surf
~    Practice, practice, practice….
~    Keep an anger log to track your progress

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AllCEUs has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6261. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC Credit are clearly identified. AllCEUs is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

AllCEUs is also approved as an education provider for NAADAC, the States of Florida and Texas Boards of Social Work and Mental Health/Professional Counseling, the California Consortium for Addiction Professionals and Professions. Our courses are accepted in most states through those approvals.