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  • FCB Online Case Management Certification Training

    The CBHCM credential is for people with at least a bachelor's degree who provide direct behavioral health case management services to adults or children with serious mental health conditions, substance use disorders, and/or those whose involvement in the child welfare system requires behavioral health case management services.

    The CBHCM designates competency in the domains of Engagement and Assessment; Service Planning and Delivery; Coordination, Linkage and Monitoring; Documentation; and Professional Responsibility.

    The CBHCM credential is recognized for billable services by Florida's State Medicaid Plan and meets the certification requirement in s. 394.4573, Florida Statutes 

    This track is based on the certification training requirements of the Florida Certification Board.

    Total clock hours of training divided as follows:

    • Engagement and Assessment (initial and ongoing): 9 hours
    • Service Planning and Development (initial and ongoing): 8 hours
    • Coordination, Linkage and Monitoring: 13 hours
    • Documentation: 10 hours
    • Professional, Legal and Ethical Responsibilities: 10 hours
    $99.00 for 365 days
  • Online certification training in treating codependency


    • Define Codependency
    • Explore how codependency differs from healthy interdependence
    • Identify 20 signs of CoDependency, discuss -how they make sense in context (their function), identify at least 1 strategy to address each symptom
    • Identify 10 Signs of a Co-Dependent -Relationship and Ways to Address Them
    • Explore the Relationship between -Codependency, Attachment, Control & Emotional -Dysregulation
    • Explore the relationship between CoDependency, cPTSD and Borderline Personality
    • Learn about codependency and the drama triangle
    • Acceptance, Anger, Anxiety, and Grief in -Codependency
    • Addressing Guilt and Shame in CoDependency
    • Developing Self Esteem and Assertiveness
    • Common Relapse Situations in CoDependency
    • Developing Healthy Relationships with --Boundaries & Intimacy

    $45.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Uri Brofenbrenner’s Socio-Ecological Theory of development
    • Sociological Influences (Risk and Protective Factors) on Youth Mental Health
    • Physical (Body and brain), cognitive and psychosocial stages of child and adolescent development
    • Unique developmental and mental health issues for adolescents using the PACER approach
    • Impact of mental ill-health on young people

    $149.00 for 365 days
  • Certificate to demonstrate awareness of Trauma Informed Care

    This online certificate track provides mental health and addiction counselors (LPC, LMHC, LPCC, LADC, CADC (and counselors in training), social workers (LCSW, LMSW, LSW, RSW), pastoral staff, case managers (CCM) and marriage and family therapists (LMFT) with the information they need to provide more sensitive, strengths-based treatment to persons who may be dealing with trauma.


    1. Trauma 101–Provides an overview of trauma, and an understanding of trauma informed principles and practices
    2. Trauma-Informed Care: Increases awareness of the different types of trauma, their impact and individual differences in the experience of traumatic events.
    3. Trauma Informed Care: Impact of Trauma: Overview of the effects of trauma on the brain and physical health; social relationships; mental health; and the community/society at large.
    4. Trauma Informed Care: Screening and Assessment
    5. Trauma Informed Care: Trauma Specific Services reviews many of the current best and promising practices for survivors of trauma, ranging from child abuse to natural disasters.
    6. Trauma and Resiliency: Highlights the concepts and components of individual, family and community resiliency.
    7. Neurological Impact of Trauma: Provides an overview of the human brain and its response to stress and trauma.
    8. Pharmacotherapy for Trauma: Reviews current practice guidelines for the use of SSRIs, Benzodiazepines, Rapid-Acting Antidepressants, Alpha-1 Antagonists and Mood Stabilizers
    9. Acute Stress Disorder: Assessment and Treatment
    10. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Trauma
    11. Cognitive Processing Therapy for Trauma
    12. Intro to Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Trauma
    $149.00 for 365 days
  • Objectives:

    • Explore the connection between disrupted attachment and adverse childhood experiences
    • Discuss how the symptoms of codependency make sense from a trauma informed perspective
    • Discuss trauma informed strategies for addressing codependency and abandonment issues
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Identify the major psycho-social milestones for each age group
    • Learn about things that may thwart development
    • Identify protective factors for healthy development
    • Conceptualize behaviors as goal-driven in order to better understand their purpose and provide appropriate redirection
    $18.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Review the symptoms of anxiety in adults and children
    • Explore the impacts of anxiety
    • Identify strategies for prevention and intervention
    $3.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Identify the characteristics of a dangerousness assessment
    • Identify factors associated with a high risk for violence
    • Identify steps in preventing danger to others
    • Review special cases
      • Domestic violence
      • Child Abuse
      • Elder Abuse
      • Substance Abuse
      • Eating Disorders
      • Emergency calls from nonclients
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Review Attachment Theory
    • Identify the impact of parental attachment style on children
    • Explore the impact of insecure attachment on children’s mental and physical health
    • Explore the impact of childhood attachment styles to adult attachment
    • Review attachment based interventions

    Based on Counselor Toolbox Podcast Episode 352

    $12.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

      • Explore the prevalence of homelessness for children and people with mental illness
      • Discuss causes of homelessness
      • Explore the relationship between homelessness and ACEs
      • Discuss how homelessness impacts the HPA Axis
      • Review areas to be screened 
      • Identify creative interventions
      • Identify resources to help people access needed services
    $12.00 for 90 days

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