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  • This course is designed to teach clinicians and paraprofessionals

    • Understanding Co-Occurring Disorders
    • Motivation
    • Goal Setting and Behavior Modification   
    • Mindfulness, Serenity and Purposeful Action
    • Physical/Biological Needs   
    • Creating Safety
    • Feelings, Emotions, Reactions
    • Cognitive Interventions
    • Coping Skills and Defense Mechanisms
    • Problem Solving
    • Decision making
    • Planning for emergencies
    • Relationships
    • Assertiveness Training and Refusal Skills
    • Enhancing social support networks
    • Getting in Touch—Lessons Learned from Your Family of Origin
    • Co-Dependency   
    • Self-Esteem: Your Relationship with Yourself
    • Boundaries   
    • Putting it Together   
    $35.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Define motivation
    • Identify the 5 principles of motivational enhancement
    • Review the concepts of motivation
    • Identify the types of motivation and ways to enhance them
    • Identify the purpose of setting goals
    • Learn about SMART goals and how to set them
    • Explore ways to help clients identify their goals
    • Identify the 7 most common pitfalls in goal setting, and how to prevent them
    $18.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Identify 5 types of motivation and ways to enhance them
    • Explore the interactivity of the 5 dimensions PACER
    • Review Prochaska's stages of change and interventions appropriate for each stage.
    $3.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Define the FRAMES approach to treatment.
    • Identify appropriate motivational strategies for each stage of change.
    • Define each of the effective catalysts for change.
    • Identify the four types of client resistance.
    • Discuss the importance of using a change plan worksheet in the recommended components of such a worksheet.
    • Identify the assumptions about the nature of motivation.

    $45.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Components of a Motivational Interviewing Assessment
    • Examine Motivational Interviewing styles and traps
    • Define the MI Assessment "sandwich”
    • Develop MI Micro-Skills OARS
    • Discuss skills to identify, explore and handle resistance in clients
    • Examine appropriate interventions for each stage of change
    $12.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives: 

    • Define accountability
    • Explore ways to enhance motivation and buy-in
    • Review techniques for writing a relapse prevention plan that emphasizes accountability
    • Identify 10 accountability techniques
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Identify and evaluate the impact of porn
    • Assist clients in increasing their motivation to stop using porn
    • Learn tools to help clients stop using porn and deal with cravings
    • Discover new ways to help clients rebuild self-esteem and restore personal integrity
    • Help clients heal a relationship harmed by porn use
    • Help clients develop a thriving and satisfying sex life without using porn
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Current Research in Therapeutic Recreation
    • Introduction to Ecotherapy/Nature Therapy
    • 30 Art Therapy Activities
    • Client Centered Care
    • Motivational Enhancement
    • Advocacy
    $45.00 for 120 days
  • Objectives

    • Explain how trauma informed practices and trauma specific services can enhance client retention, treatment outcomes and organizational standing
    • Understand the difference between trauma-informed and trauma-specific services
    • Demonstrate knowledge of how trauma affects diverse people throughout their lifespans and with different mental health problems, cognitive and physical disabilities, and substance use issues
    • Demonstrate knowledge of the impact of trauma on diverse cultures with regard to the meanings various cultures attach to trauma and the attitudes they have regarding behavioral health treatment
    • Identify the 16 components of trauma informed care
    • Describe the impact of trauma on the individual, family and community
    • Review best practices for trauma screening and assessment
    • Develop an understanding of behavior as communication which may have been learned or developed as a way of coping with trauma and will learn skills and tools to enhance rapport, motivation and client activation.
    • Demonstrate knowledge of the variety of ways clients express stress reactions
    • Describe how these reactions “make sense” from a survival/reinforcement perspective
    • Identify ways to help clients develop alternate responses while maintaining personal power and a sense of safety
    • Give examples of when clients trauma histories may have triggered the use of : Avoidance, aggression, passivity
    • Learn approaches to enhance client empowerment and choice.
    • Explore approaches to trauma-informed crisis intervention
    • Identify biopsychosocial interventions that can assist in the recovery from trauma.
    • Learn ways to enhance mindfulness
    • Explore techniques for addressing cognitive distortions
    $72.00 for 120 days
  • Objectives

    • Identify the organizational costs of employee turnover
    • Define trauma
    • Explore the effects of trauma and HPA-Axis dysregulation
    • Identify problematic employee behaviors and explore how they might relate to prior trauma
    • Discuss sources of trauma (or trauma re-enactment) in the workplace
    • Explain what a trauma organized system is.
    • Explain how trauma contributes to employee stress, behavioral issues and turnover.
    • Identify at least 10 common workplace stressors and bad habits that contribute to turnover
    • Explain how trauma informed processes are at work and need to be addressed not only in clients, but also staff (mitigating trauma)
    • Give at least three examples of behavior as a form of communication
    • Describe characteristics of healthy organizations
    • Identify interventions for sources of workplace stress and turnover
    • Effectively use the psychological flexibility matrix to chart helpful and unhelpful responses to situations
    • Explain behavioral principles underlying behavior and behavior change.
    • Demonstrate ability to explore the benefits and drawbacks of all behaviors to better understand how to motivate change.Learn techniques to create a healthy trauma-informed organizational culture that inspires growth and reduces turnover.
    • Learn about the SELF Model (Safety, Emotional Management, Loss, Future) and apply it to workplace events and employee behavior
    • Use the SELF Model to solve complex problems and develop a sense of purpose instead of abandoning the organization.
    • Learn ways to encourage people to grow and adapt to change
    • Provide at least 3 examples of activities to help staff create a vision of a healthy workplace and rewarding career that inspires purposeful action
    • Identify at least 5 ways to demonstrate a that diversity and participation is valued
    • Discuss ways to build a culture of democracy
    • Give at least 3 examples of ways to model nonviolence and enhance safety
    • Define emotional intelligence
    • Discuss the benefits of emotional regulation
    • Explain the benefits and process of developing a system of open communication
    • Develop a plan for how to create a commitment to growth and change based in social responsibility in their work settings
    • Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of healthy organizations and how to use principles of motivation and behavior change to encourage these characteristics.
    • Learn the principles of motivational interviewing
    • Demonstrate the ability to effectively use motivational interviewing with staff to address factors that impair motivation
    • Describe at least 3 interventions that can be used to enhance the development of a staff community
    • Explain the principles of positive, strengths-based management and apply those principles to scenarios based on current or past staff issues.
    $60.00 for 120 days

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