CEU courses based on the videos at YouTube Doc Snipes
This course is designed to teach clinicians and paraprofessionals
Issues regarding involuntary commitment including
Basic rights and assistance in protection of those rights
Using the least restrictive setting
Informed consent and capacity issues
Issues surrounding seclusion and restraint
Advanced directives
Based on Counselor Toolbox Episode 170 Exploring the Many Facets of Anger
Based on Counselor Toolbox Podcast Episode #333 Meditation Techniques in Counseling
Based on Counselor Toolbox Episode 186 Common Co-Occurring Issues Caused By Substance Abuse: Dementia and FASD
Based in part on Counselor Toolbox Episodes 220 Mental Health in Older Adults, 190 Communicating with the Cognitively Impaired and 222 Overview of Alzheimer's and Dementias