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  • Objectives

    • Define the problem
    • Examine the similarities between CNCP, mental health issues and addiction
    • Identify the impact of CNCP on patients
    • Explore biopsychosocial resource needs for secondary and tertiary prevention.
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Define the problem
    • Identify and discuss differential diagnosis for various pain conditions
    • Examine the similarities between CNCP and addiction
    • Identify the impact of CNCP on patients
    • Discuss effective interventions for CNCP
    • Identify what counselors can do
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Types of pain
    • Impact of pain on sleep, HPA-Axis and mood
    • Treatment options for chronic pain
    • CBT Interventions

    Based on Counselor Toolbox Episode 381

    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Explain why pain management matters.
    • Name various treatment team members.
    • List drug and non-drug treatment options.
    • Learn the three classes of analgesics.
    • Name goals of pain therapy.
    • Develop skills for communicating with a medical practitioner about pain.
    • Describe pain using numerical, verbal and visual scales.
    • Discuss concerns for use of opioid medication for pain treatment.
    • Discuss and describe the "Opioid Contract".
    • List the five classes of Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
    • Identify prevalence of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the U.S.
    • Compare and contrast Injection and Infusion therapies.
    • Identify benefits and drawbacks of various treatments.
    • Learn four stress management techniques.
    • Classify methods of pain management that can be completed by the client on their own.
    • Learn about promising new treatment options.
    $24.00 for 90 days
  • This course takes a more in-depth look at TIP 54 than the shorter courses.


    • Explore psychopharmacology and the role and effect of psychotropic medications in mental health
    • Define the problem
    • Identify and discuss differential diagnosis for various pain conditions
    • Examine the similarities between CNCP and addiction
    • Identify the impact of CNCP on patients
    • Discuss effective interventions for CNCP
    • Identify what counselors can do
    $30.00 for 90 days

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