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  • Objectives

    • Learn about what the 12-steps and their purpose
    • Learn about the Big Book and what Big Book Studies are
    • Learn about what the Big Book has to say about treatment, medication
    • Hear from John M. of Sober Speak who shares some tools from the trenches to help people prevent relapse and deal with common issues in early recovery.
    • Learn what it is like for someone to go to their first meeting so we can help prepare people.
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Review the core features of IOT/IOP
    • Identify the core services of IOP
    • Examine the components of an effective biopsychosocial assessment
    • Explore data and information gathering methods
    • Review the ASAM PPC criteria
    • Highlight engagement activities
    • Identify counselor activities for each phase of treatment (assessment, early recovery/active treatment, maintenance/relapse prevention)
    • Review common administrative and programmatic issues in running a successful IOP

    Based in part on Counselor Toolbox Episode 237 and SAMHSA TIP 46 Clinical Issues in Intensive Outpatient
    $90.00 for 90 days
  • This course is designed to teach clinicians and paraprofessionals

    • Understanding Co-Occurring Disorders
    • Motivation
    • Goal Setting and Behavior Modification   
    • Mindfulness, Serenity and Purposeful Action
    • Physical/Biological Needs   
    • Creating Safety
    • Feelings, Emotions, Reactions
    • Cognitive Interventions
    • Coping Skills and Defense Mechanisms
    • Problem Solving
    • Decision making
    • Planning for emergencies
    • Relationships
    • Assertiveness Training and Refusal Skills
    • Enhancing social support networks
    • Getting in Touch—Lessons Learned from Your Family of Origin
    • Co-Dependency   
    • Self-Esteem: Your Relationship with Yourself
    • Boundaries   
    • Putting it Together   
    $35.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Identify the most common settings for co-occurring disorders treatment.
    • Differentiate between the levels of treatment from intervention to residential level IV.
    • Discuss data and information gathering methods.
    • Identify specific characteristics of treatment in problem solving courts, jails.

    $24.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Explore counselor roles and processes related to advocacy on behalf of the client.
    • Delineate the counselor's role and function as a member of an interdisciplinary team and client advocate
    • Identify information related to assisting the client link to with services which can reduce the negative impact of developmental crises; disabilities; and, situational, transitional, and environmental factors that affect behavior.
    • Define a Recovery Oriented System of Care (ROSC) and the function of the clinician or case manager in advocating for a client in a ROSC
    • Review how a ROSC can assist clinicians in capacity building and maintaining a robust network of referrals
$12.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Explore crisis/ disaster counseling
    • Articulate helpful tips for dealing with client suicidality.
    • List 6 Positive Attitudes and Behaviors towards clients dealing with suicidal thoughts.
    • Identify warning signs for suicidality using the acronym IS PATH WARM.
    • Know statistics related to suicide in order to better identify potentially suicidal clients.
    • Become familiar with the GATE Procedures for substance abuse counselors.
    • Differentiate among the different levels of substance abuse treatment programs for suicidality.
    $12.00 for 90 days
  • This track is based on the Florida MCAP certification guidelines.

    161 total clock hours of training divided as follows:

    • Understanding Addiction: 45 hours
    • Treatment Knowledge: 45 hours
    • Application to Practice: 20 hours
    • Professional Readiness: 20 hours*
    • Clinical Supervision: 16 hours*
    • Electives: 15 hours
    • 4 hours of HIV-AIDS
    • 2 hours of Domestic Violence.
    $150.00 for 365 days
  • Objectives
    • Identify medical errors common in a comprehensive integrated system of care including pain management
    • Discuss how pain influences the comprehensive treatment process
    • Identify causes of errors
    • Describe effects of medical errors on the wellbeing of the patient and family
    • Identify common documentation and communication errors in multidisciplinary teams
    • Offer a definition of "medical error" as described by the institute of medicine
    • Identify the factors that must be included in a credible root cause analysis
    • Identify major signs and symptoms of a medical emergency
    • List pharmacological components of pain management
    • Describe other interventions designed to prevent harm and to protect patient safety commonly utilized by therapists
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Define Serotonin Syndrome
    • Explore the drug interactions that often cause serotonin syndrome
    • Explore risk factors for serotonin syndrome
    • Discuss why mental health clinicians need to know about serotonin syndrome
    • Learn about treatment for serotonin syndrome
    • Explore common communication errors which can lead to medical errors in multidisciplinary teams
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Florida Board Approved Medical Error Prevention Course


    • Identify types of medical errors common in counseling and a comprehensive integrated system of care
    • Discuss pain assessment and management techniques and how pain influences the comprehensive treatment process
    • Identify common documentation and communication errors in counseling and among multidisciplinary teams which may lead to medical errors


    $6.00 for 90 days
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