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  • Objectives

    • Identify the biological/health consequences of addiction and mental health issues on the family and community
    • Identify the psychological consequences of addiction and mental health issues on the family and community
    • Identify the social consequences of addiction and mental health issues on the family and community
    • Identify family and community interventions
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Examine biopsychosocial impact of addiction of the individual
    • Examine biopsychosocial impact of mental health of the individual
    • Identify the health impact of addiction on family members
    • Identify the health impact of addiction on society
    • Identify the psychological impact of addiction on family members
    • Identify the psychological impact of addiction on society
    • Identify the social impact of addiction on family members
    • Identify the socioeconomic impact of addiction on society
    $9.00 for 30 days
  • Objectives

    • Identify the symptoms of bipolar
    • Examine the function of bipolar
    • Explore ways bipolar can become dysfunctional
    • Identify the impact of bipolar on the person
    • Identify interventions that are commonly used to address bipolar and prevent relapse
    • Help for family members or significant others in dealing with a person with this issue
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Identify the eight components for effective psychiatric management of borderline personality disorder
    • Identify client characteristics which would necessitate partial hospitalization or brief or extended inpatient hospitalization
    • List the five components which should be included when establishing a clear treatment framework
    • List the four steps in responding to crises
    • List five techniques for establishing and maintaining a therapeutic framework and alliance
    • List the characteristics of effective treatment plans for patients with borderline personality disorder
    • Compare and contrast psychodynamic therapy and dialectical behavior therapy
    • Identify 10 features/goals for individual psychotherapeutic approaches
    • Discuss the utilization of group, couples, and or family therapy with persons with borderline personality disorder
    • Summarize pharmacological treatments for persons with borderline personality disorder
    • Identify the symptoms that can be targeted with pharmacotherapy
    $24.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Compare and contrast MET with other approaches to therapy
    • Briefly review the FRAMES approach
    • Describe the stages of change
    • Define EE-DD-AA-RR-SS
    • Identify what actions to take in each of the sessions
    • Explore strategies for increasing motivation and "rolling with resistance”
    • Discuss who is appropriate for MET
    • Discuss ways to use MET with patients with co-occurring disorders
    $12.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Differentiate brief interventions from traditional interventions
    • Identify reasons for using brief interventions
    • Identify barriers to increasing the use of brief treatments
    • Evaluate recent inventions and therapies for their appropriateness with a given client or population
    • Identify methods for evaluating the effectiveness of treatment methodologies used
    • Identify the stages-of-change from the Prochaska and Diclemente model
    • Define the acronym FRAMES
    • Identify the five basic steps brief interventions use to incorporate FRAMES
    • Identify the effective use of workbooks in brief therapy
    • Identify ways brief interventions can be beneficial in substance abuse treatment settings
    • Understand research findings regarding the effectiveness and appropriate use of brief interventions
    • Identify the stages necessary for programs using brief therapy approaches
    • Identify appropriate populations with which to use brief interventions
    • Differentiate between Brief Cognitive-behavioral therapy, brief strategic interactional therapy, brief humanistic therapy, Brief psychodynamic therapy, Brief family therapy and time-limited group therapy
    • Identify the principles of each of the aforementioned Brief therapeutic strategies
    • Effectively match patients to the most effective Brief therapeutic strategy

    This multimedia course is based in part on Counselor Toolbox Podcasts 210, 169, 156, 120, 121 and 105. Text-based materials are also provided in the course for those who prefer to learn by reading.
    $60.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Define resilience
    • Describe characteristics of resilient people
    • Identify tools for helping clients handle unexpected crises and unhappy events
    • Explore steps to happiness when life sucks

    Based on Counselor Toolbox Episode 158 Building Resilience

    $9.00 for 90 days
  • 3 Pack of AllCEUs Unlimited Memberships. (Does not include new certification training.)
    $297.00 for 365 days
  • Objectives
    • Review the most effective approach to the patient
    • Discuss strategies for prevention of HIV in the clinical care setting
    • Learn about various antiretroviral therapies available
    • Explore the metabolic complications of  antiretroviral therapy and the psychological impact of those complications on the individual
    • Identify ways to increase adherence to HIV therapies
    • Learn how the counselor can assist the patient with physical and psychological symptom management
    $30.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Identify the purposes of vocational goals
    • Learn ways to help people explore vocational wants and needs
    • Learn about the CGOE online and Hollands Career Placement Theory
    • Define and explore the concept of functional assessment
    • Review skills related to finding, getting and maintaining a job
    $9.00 for 90 days

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