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  • Objectives

    The student will understand:

    • Differences in responding

    • General tools for Intervention

    • Physical, Affective, Cognitive, Relational Reactions and Interventions

    • Children's Reactions to Disaster

    $9.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Review common reactions to disaster and interventions for adults and children
    • Identify common stressors in shelters
    • Identify common issues when sheltering in place
    • Explore how to help reduce stress and anxiety through
      • Facilitated and independent activities
      • Facilitated groups
    $12.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Childhood experience with domestic violence
    • Violence against children
    • Domestic Violence awareness for probation and pretrial
    • Taking a stand against domestic violence (ABC special)
    $30.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Review the following, highlighting some of the most common areas for violation including: sexual misconduct, violation of confidentiality, procedures for terminating practice, receiving kickbacks
      • Florida Statutes
    • Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.)

    $9.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Identify the CARES approach to creating secure attachment
    • Explore the needs of children in infancy, early childhood and middle and high school to identify
    • Challenges
    • Ways to promote secure attachment in an age-appropriate manner
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Learn about the inner child
    • Examples of behaviors that can traumatize the IC
    • Impacts of trauma on the IC
    • Core issues faced by many people with a wounded IC
    • Strategies to being healing the IC
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Move from a deficits based to a differences based approach to interaction
    • Describe the unique interpersonal needs of people with autism spectrum disorders
    • Identify characteristics necessary to form secure attachments
    • List at least 5 practices that caregivers and teachers can use to improve connection with children on the autism spectrum.
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Identify prevalence
    • Explore triggering issues
    • Discuss how/why adolescents respond differently than adults (or even children)
    • Review intervention approaches
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Define child development
    • Define atypical development
    • Identify one characteristic of fetal development that occurs during each stage (first trimester, second trimester, third trimester)
    • Describe each of the major domains of child development: motor/physical, cognitive, social/emotional, communication/language, and self-help/adaptive
    • Describe the typical (normal) sequences of child development as it pertains to the major domains
    • Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative differences in child development
    • Explain egocentrism and its influence on social relationships in infancy
    • Describe trends in the physical development of children from birth to age 3
    • Describe how thinking changes from birth to age 3
    • Explain why it is important to look at child development from a culturally relevant perspective.
    $45.00 for 90 days
  • oObjectives
    • Discuss the federal legislation for Part C and references made to teams therein. (FDOH A3, A4)
    • Define the differences between
      1. Multidisciplinary teams
      2. Interdisciplinary teams
      3. Transdisciplinary teams (FDOH C2, D1, E4)
    • Describe the roles of team members, including family members. (FDOH D2)
    • Describe teaming as it relates to
      1. Intake and screening
      2. Evaluation and assessment in natural environments
      3. Providing feedback to families following evaluation/assessment
      4. Report writing
      5. Developing the IFSP
      6. Intervention planning in natural environments
      7. Service delivery (ongoing) in natural environments
      8. IFSP updates
      9. Reassessment
      10. Transition planning
        (FDOH C3, C4, C9-11, E2, E3, E4, E6, G1-3, F1-3, 6)
    • Give reasons for and benefits of teaming when considering
      1. Benefits for children
      2. Benefits for families
      3. Benefits for providers (FDOH D3)
    • Describe procedures for conducting effective team meetings
      1. Ground rules and roles
      2. Clear goals and objectives
      3. Decision making process (FDOH E6)
    • Describe the major functions of the professional disciplines and related personnel who may be involved in teaming during the early intervention process, for example: nurse, ITDS, parent, physical therapist, speech/language pathologist, psychologist. (FDOH D4)
    • Discuss attributes of successful team members, such as:
      1. Accepting differences in skills and approaches
      2. Ability to work toward consensus
      3. Interest in teaching, learning and working across disciplines
      4. Willingness to invest time and energy for the benefit of all
      5. Commitment to working in full partnership with families
      6. Openness to diversity in learning styles
      7. Role release and the ability to let go of control
      8. Ability to brainstorm and problem-solve
      9. Demonstration of personal and professional maturity (FDOH D5)
    • Discuss the stages of team development
      1. Forming
      2. Storming
      3. Norming
      4. Performing
      5. Transforming (FDOH D6)
    • Understand the principles of collaborative consultation and discuss methods and strategies when using a consultative model in providing early intervention services to:
      1. Increase provider knowledge and skills
      2. Improve quality of early intervention services
      3. Promote teaming (FDOH D7)
    • Discuss components of effective communication as well as behaviors that interfere with effective communication. (FDOH E1)
    • Discuss adult learning principles that promote maximum involvement of family members and child care personnel. (FDOH C12)
    $54.00 for 90 days

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