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  • Objectives

    • Explain how trauma informed practices and trauma specific services can enhance client retention, treatment outcomes and organizational standing
    • Understand the difference between trauma-informed and trauma-specific services
    • Demonstrate knowledge of how trauma affects diverse people throughout their lifespans and with different mental health problems, cognitive and physical disabilities, and substance use issues
    • Demonstrate knowledge of the impact of trauma on diverse cultures with regard to the meanings various cultures attach to trauma and the attitudes they have regarding behavioral health treatment
    • Identify the 16 components of trauma informed care
    • Describe the impact of trauma on the individual, family and community
    • Review best practices for trauma screening and assessment
    • Develop an understanding of behavior as communication which may have been learned or developed as a way of coping with trauma and will learn skills and tools to enhance rapport, motivation and client activation.
    • Demonstrate knowledge of the variety of ways clients express stress reactions
    • Describe how these reactions “make sense” from a survival/reinforcement perspective
    • Identify ways to help clients develop alternate responses while maintaining personal power and a sense of safety
    • Give examples of when clients trauma histories may have triggered the use of : Avoidance, aggression, passivity
    • Learn approaches to enhance client empowerment and choice.
    • Explore approaches to trauma-informed crisis intervention
    • Identify biopsychosocial interventions that can assist in the recovery from trauma.
    • Learn ways to enhance mindfulness
    • Explore techniques for addressing cognitive distortions
    $72.00 for 120 days
  • Objectives

    • Define "What is Trauma"
    • Explore why trauma informed care is important
    • Learn the 3 key elements to a trauma informed approach: Realizing, recognizing and responding
    • Identify trauma informed intervention and treatment principles
    • Learn how to anticipate the interplay between treatment elements and clients' trauma histories
    • Identify the 11 cross-cutting factors of culture
    $9.00 for 90 days
  • Contact Hours: 10

    Facilitator: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes


    • Explore the interaction between psychotropic Medications and HIV medications
    • Identify Drug-Drug Interactions Between ARV Agents, Medications Used in Substance Use Treatment, and Recreational Drugs
    • Explore factors related to treatment compliance HAART with mental health disorders including intensity of the mood disorder, somatic symptoms and social support quality.
    • Learn about cognitive disorders including HIV related dementia and HIV
    • Identify risk factors for suicidality in people with HIV
    • Review common somatic symptoms reported by people with HIV or on HAART and ways the mental health professional can assist the patient
    • Review the impact of Depression and Mania on the HIV positive patient and their effect on treatment compliance and disease progression
    $30.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Prevalence
    • Overview of Human Trafficking
    • Biopsychosocial Needs of Survivors
    • Barriers to Care
    $12.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Substance Use Among Adolescents: Consequences & Treatment Needs
    • Tailoring Treatment to the Adolescent's Problem
    • General Program Characteristics
    • Youths With Distinctive Treatment Needs
      • Treatment in the Juvenile Justice System
      • Homeless and Precariously Housed Youths
      • Homosexual, Bisexual, and Transgendered Youths
      • Youths With Coexisting Disorders
    $30.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:
    • Learn how to create a basic treatment plan
    • Identify the parts of a treatment plan including problem, goal statement and intermediate objectives
    • Identify methods of gathering information for the plan using solution-focused methods
    • Identify common barriers to successful treatment plan implementation

    $30.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Review multiple ways of writing treatment plans including using the integrative summary, FARS, CANS, ASAM and LOCUS
    • Review pitfalls in writing effective treatment plans and how to avoid them
    • Review the purpose of the reassessment and best practices for documentation
    • Identify time-effective methods for completing treatment plans and reassessments

    $3.00 for 90 days
  • Objective

    • Describe how the treatment plan and the integrated summary are related
    • Learn how to use the goals identified in the integrated summary to drive the treatment plan
    • Identify ways to tailor treatment plan goals to meet the Strengths, Needs, Attitudes and Preferences of your patient
    • Discuss how to use coaching/training skills designed for mental health professionals to teach clients how to formulate their own goals and objectives


    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Review the main treatment planning concepts assessed on the NCMHCE
    $3.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Define the 6 CASSP Principles
    • Review the concept/purpose of a treatment plan
    • Identify the components of all treatment plans
    • Explore characteristics of quality objectives
    $12.00 for 90 days

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