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  • Objectives:

    Based in part on Counselor Toolbox episode 232
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Impact of Substance Abuse on Families
    • Approaches to Therapy
    • Integrated Models for Treating Family Members
    • Specific Populations
    $12.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Describe the effects alcohol and drug usage can have on the HIV and AIDS disease process in patients.
    • Describe the roles alcohol and drug usage have in the contracting of HIV.
    • List the members involved in the collaborative care of patients with HIV and AIDS.
    • Describe some of the common myths about HIV and AIDS.
    • Describe the risk factors associated with contracting HIV.
    • Identify preventative measures to avoid contracting HIV.
    • List the items included on an HIV/AIDS Risk Assessment Checklist.
    • Describe HIV infection preventative measures.
    • Identify the goals of risk-reduction counseling.
    • Describe the process of testing for HIV infection.
    • Describe the factors involved in HIV pre- and post-test counseling.
    •  Identify the requirements for reporting HIV and AIDS test results.
    • Generally describe how HIV is medically monitored.
    • Describe how clinicians can increase client’s adherence to HIV medication regimens and compliance with prescribed care plans.
    • Describe how the client’s gender, culture and sexuality orientation influence their compliance with treatment.
    •  List events which may initiate client relapse.
    • Describe relapse prevention techniques.
    • Describe the counselor’s role in supporting the client with HIV or AIDS cope with issues of death, dying, grief and bereavement.
    • Identify steps involved in case management for the client with HIV or AIDS.
    • Identify the legal regulations and processes in place to protect and assist clients HIV or AIDS.
    $84.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Explore data and information gathering methods
    • Learn the basic principles of suicide assessment
    • Identify ways to estimate suicide risk
    • Identify the necessary components for a suicide assessment
    • Identify risk management methods including consultation, documentation
    • Identify methods for determining appropriate placement
    • Understand the factors contributing to suicide risk
    Based in part on Counselor Toolbox Episodes 215, 212 Principles of Crisis Intervention and 235 Suicidality Recognition and Treatment and the APA guidelines for suicide intervention
    $30.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    Review issues related to: 

    • Supervision using virtual technologies
    • Documentation of sessions
    • Methods of observation
    • Challenges facing supervisors and supervisees including things new counselors need to learn and helping supervisees overcome fears and biases in supervision
    • Accountability of the supervisee and the supervisor in the treatment of clients
    • Business Aspects of Supervision
    $12.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Define MAT
    • Explore barriers to treatment
    • Identify benefits of Medication Assisted Therapy (MAT)
    • Explore the effect of opioids on depression, anxiety, pain and PTSD
    • Explore pain management with people on MAT
    • Identify the side effects of MAT and interventions to help people live their highest quality of life.
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Identify treatment needs unique to women
    • Discuss individual, structural and systemic barriers to treatment engagement and retention
    • Explore medical conditions more commonly diagnosed in women, and their relationship to mental health and addictive disorders.


    $18.00 for 30 days
  • Based in part on Counselor Toolbox Episodes 325-327 Objectives
    • Identify Effective Prevention Tactics for Youth
    • Identify Effective Behavioral and Pharmacological Interventions
    • Identify Effective Population- and Community-Based Interventions to Prevent Tobacco Use
    • Identify Effective Strategies for Increasing Consumer Demand for and use of Individually Oriented Cessation Treatments
    • Identify Effective Strategies for Increasing Implementation
    • Identify Use Cessation Strategies
    • Identify Effect of Smokeless Tobacco Product Marketing and Use
    • Identify Effectiveness of Interventions in Populations with Co-Occurring
    • Morbidities and Risk Behaviors
    • Identify Needed Research
    $24.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Identify the common symptoms for anxiety and depression-based disorders 
    • Learn how a positive change in one area or symptom can have positive effects on all symptoms or areas. 
    • Explore 
      • The function of each of those symptoms
      • The potential causes of each of those symptoms
      • Interventions for each of those symptoms
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Define Trauma Informed Prevention and Treatment Objectives
    • Highlight Treatment Issues
    • Understand When and How to Make Referrals to Trauma Specific Services
    • Explore Trauma Specific Treatment Models, Integrated Models for Trauma, and Emerging Interventions
    $15.00 for 90 days

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