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  • Objectives
    • Review the core features of IOT/IOP
    • Identify the core services of IOP
    • Examine the components of an effective biopsychosocial assessment
    • Explore data and information gathering methods
    • Review the ASAM PPC criteria
    • Highlight engagement activities
    • Identify counselor activities for each phase of treatment (assessment, early recovery/active treatment, maintenance/relapse prevention)
    • Review common administrative and programmatic issues in running a successful IOP

    Based in part on Counselor Toolbox Episode 237 and SAMHSA TIP 46 Clinical Issues in Intensive Outpatient
    $90.00 for 90 days
  • This course is designed to teach clinicians and paraprofessionals

    • Understanding Co-Occurring Disorders
    • Motivation
    • Goal Setting and Behavior Modification   
    • Mindfulness, Serenity and Purposeful Action
    • Physical/Biological Needs   
    • Creating Safety
    • Feelings, Emotions, Reactions
    • Cognitive Interventions
    • Coping Skills and Defense Mechanisms
    • Problem Solving
    • Decision making
    • Planning for emergencies
    • Relationships
    • Assertiveness Training and Refusal Skills
    • Enhancing social support networks
    • Getting in Touch—Lessons Learned from Your Family of Origin
    • Co-Dependency   
    • Self-Esteem: Your Relationship with Yourself
    • Boundaries   
    • Putting it Together   
    $35.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Issues regarding involuntary commitment including

      • Basic rights and assistance in protection of those rights

      • Using the least restrictive setting

      • Informed consent and capacity issues

      • Issues surrounding seclusion and restraint

      • Advanced directives

    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Define life skills and why they are important
    • Describe the different learning styles and how to use them to improve life skill acquisition
    • Identify the characteristics of each dimension of temperament and how that impacts relationships and life skills
    • Discuss the levels of Maslow’s hierarchy and how they relate to life skills
    • Identify other characteristics which may yield specialized needs.
    $12.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Define the problem
    • Identify and discuss differential diagnosis for various pain conditions
    • Examine the similarities between CNCP and addiction
    • Identify the impact of CNCP on patients
    • Discuss effective interventions for CNCP
    • Identify what counselors can do
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • This track is based on the Florida MCAP certification guidelines.

    161 total clock hours of training divided as follows:

    • Understanding Addiction: 45 hours
    • Treatment Knowledge: 45 hours
    • Application to Practice: 20 hours
    • Professional Readiness: 20 hours*
    • Clinical Supervision: 16 hours*
    • Electives: 15 hours
    • 4 hours of HIV-AIDS
    • 2 hours of Domestic Violence.
    $150.00 for 365 days
  • Objectives
    • Identify medical errors common in a comprehensive integrated system of care including pain management
    • Discuss how pain influences the comprehensive treatment process
    • Identify causes of errors
    • Describe effects of medical errors on the wellbeing of the patient and family
    • Identify common documentation and communication errors in multidisciplinary teams
    • Offer a definition of "medical error" as described by the institute of medicine
    • Identify the factors that must be included in a credible root cause analysis
    • Identify major signs and symptoms of a medical emergency
    • List pharmacological components of pain management
    • Describe other interventions designed to prevent harm and to protect patient safety commonly utilized by therapists
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Florida Board Approved Medical Error Prevention Course


    • Identify types of medical errors common in counseling and a comprehensive integrated system of care
    • Discuss pain assessment and management techniques and how pain influences the comprehensive treatment process
    • Identify common documentation and communication errors in counseling and among multidisciplinary teams which may lead to medical errors


    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Describe Normal Development
    • Discuss Theories of Development
    • Explain the Development and Impact of Temperament
    • Review Developmental Psychopathology
    • Learn About Current Developmental Theory Applied to Child Mental Health and Illness
    • Review Risk Factors and Prevention
    • Review Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment Strategies with Children
    • Identify Various Major Categories of Mental Disorders in Children
    • Review Factors Impacting Service Utilization
    • Discuss New Roles for Families in Systems of Care
    $30.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Understand the Neuroscience of Mental Health
    • Receive an Overview of Mental Illness
    • Identify Manifestations of Mental Illness
    • Learn About the Epidemiology of Mental Illness
    • Describe the Biopsychosocial Model of Disease
    • Review Information About Individual Development, Temperament, and Risk Factors
    • Review Basic Concepts of Prevention
    • Describe the Range of Treatments
    • Review the Basics of Mental Health Services
    • Explore the Role of Cultural Diversity in Mental Health Services
    • Discuss the Impact of the Recovery Concept
    • 15 strategies for the prevention of mental illness including community education, early intervention services, community resource development, improving accessibility, improving cultural sensitivity, enhancing protective factors in the environment, drug and domestic violence courts to break the cycle, and more.
    $24.00 for 90 days

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