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  • Objectives:


    • How emotions are created
    • How physical symptoms including pain, fatigue are created
    • The bidirectional relationship between the mind and body
    $9.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Types of pain
    • Impact of pain on sleep, HPA-Axis and mood
    • Treatment options for chronic pain
    • CBT Interventions

    Based on Counselor Toolbox Episode 381

    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Identify the types of prevention
    • Learn the steps in prevention
    • Understand why people use opioids
    • Explore the connection between pain and mood disorders
    • Identify 5 prevention strategies
    • Learn about breakthrough non-invasive adjunct therapies to reduce opioid withdrawal symptoms in adults and neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome in infants.
    Free for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Explain why pain management matters.
    • Name various treatment team members.
    • List drug and non-drug treatment options.
    • Learn the three classes of analgesics.
    • Name goals of pain therapy.
    • Develop skills for communicating with a medical practitioner about pain.
    • Describe pain using numerical, verbal and visual scales.
    • Discuss concerns for use of opioid medication for pain treatment.
    • Discuss and describe the "Opioid Contract".
    • List the five classes of Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
    • Identify prevalence of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the U.S.
    • Compare and contrast Injection and Infusion therapies.
    • Identify benefits and drawbacks of various treatments.
    • Learn four stress management techniques.
    • Classify methods of pain management that can be completed by the client on their own.
    • Learn about promising new treatment options.
    $24.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Review the following effects of pain
      • Depression
      • Anxiety
      • Circadian Rhythm Disruption
      • Grief
      • Self Esteem problems
    • Explore mitigating and exacerbating factors
    • Identify primary, secondary and tertiary prevention activities
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • In our program you will address the causes and consequences of porn in all PIECES of your client's life.  

    • P= Physical: Arousal and performance issues, increased pain, disrupted sleep etc.
    • I= Interpersonal: Your relationships with yourself and others.
    • E= Emotional: Your moods, particularly the unpleasant ones
    • C= Cognitive: Your thoughts and beliefs about yourself and other people; brain fog and attention problems.
    • E= Environmental: Things (and people) in your environment that cause distress or trigger the desire to use.
    • S= Spiritual: Your values and sense of connection to the world.

    Each section below provides videos and some reading to help you understand the client's journey.  In the client's program, each section also includes worksheets and reflection questions clients would be asked to complete between sessions. o use Dr. Snipes' program, clients need to sign up at  They will be able to access and download all of the resources.

    $59.00 for 365 days
  • Objectives:

    • Define vulnerabilities
    • Identify some of the most common vulnerabilities: sleep disturbances, poor nutrition and pain and discuss how they can negatively impact mental health
    • Explore their effects ways to prevent them
    • Review the nutritional building blocks for health and wellness
    • Examine how these nutrients (or lack thereof) contribute to neurotransmitter balance
    • Identify several nutrient dense foods that you can include in your diet
    • Explore the effects of pain
    • Helping client's understand their pain and exacerbating and mitigating factors
    • Medical Interventions for pain
    • Nonmedical Interventions for pain
    $18.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Define MAT
    • Explore barriers to treatment
    • Identify benefits of Medication Assisted Therapy (MAT)
    • Explore the effect of opioids on depression, anxiety, pain and PTSD
    • Explore pain management with people on MAT
    • Identify the side effects of MAT and interventions to help people live their highest quality of life.
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Develop an understanding of the Matrix
    • Identify basic processes underlying the Matrix
    • Explore methods and reasons for utilization of the Matrix with the general public, in therapy for addiction, pain, eating disorders, PTSD, and in settings such as business and education.
    $60.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Review the bidirectional interaction of gut health and mood, cognitive function and pain perception
    • Identify factors impacting gut health and ways to address them
    • Define the gut-brain axis and the gut microbiome and their function
    • Explore the connection between mental illness, addiction, inflammation and the microbiome
    • Identify causes of microbiome dysfunction
    • Identify 5 strategies people can use to improve gut health

    $6.00 for 90 days

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