Interventionist Certification Training
The leading online provider of AFFORDABLE online, self-paced certification training to help you start your new career!
Total Family Intervention Online Certification Training Program
Interventionists help families encourage their loved ones to get into treatment for addiction or mental health disorders. Interventionists consult with family members when they believe their loved one is in need of treatment, but unable to see the extent of the problem or otherwise afraid to seek help. Total family intervention recognizes that addiction and mental health disorders impact the entire family and the family in addition to the identified patient will need to engage in recovery activities.

What Will I Learn?
In the interventionist certificate program, you will learn:
- What is an Intervention? (2 Hours)
- Addiction Specific Training (6 Hours)
Detoxification and Medical Emergencies (15 Hours): Understanding the signs that your client may need emergency medical assistance and understanding detox procedures to prepare clients for what they might experience in treatment.
- Screening for Addiction and Mental Health Issues (3 Hours): Provides skills necessary to screen for mental health and addiction issues in order to identify the most effective treatment placement resources.
Pharmacology (5 Hours): Helps the interventionist understand the impact of substances on the physical and emotional health of the patient and learn to identify signs of intoxication and withdrawal.
Eating Disorders (3 Hours): Eating disorders require specialized treatment and often co-occur with addictions and mental health issues, so they must be addressed as part of the recovery process.
Gambling, Gaming and Sex Addiction (6 Hours): Like other process addictions, sex and pornography addiction often co-occurs with other issues and presents a significant risk of relapse if left untreated.
Pre-Intervention Skills (5 Hours): Helps the interventionist develop the necessary skills for beginning the intervention process and assisting families through life transitions.
Intervention Models and Skills (5 Hours) : Presents a variety of different approaches to interventions to help the interventionist formulate a vision for how they will conduct their interventions.
Family Systems (12 Hours): Identifies the family dynamics of addiction, codependency, guilt and other issues which need to be addressed to facilitate family recovery.
Motivational Interviewing (12 Hours): Provides the skills to increase and maintain the family's motivation for conducting the intervention, for encouraging the person to enter treatment and for encouraging everyone to adhere to the plan and stay motivated to continue to work their own recovery plans.
Crisis Intervention (6 Hours): Provides information about signs of crisis and steps to take to get someone in crisis to a safe place.
Treatment Placement and Aftercare (10 Hours): Teaches you about the different types of treatment and services that may be needed to facilitate the recovery process.
Case Management (10 Hours): Helps you understand how to pull everything together into a cohesive plan for recovery.
Ethics (6 Hours): Reviews ethical decision making and the importance of ethical behavior in interventions.
Documentation (2 Hours): Helps you see some of the types of documentation you will need to create for your intervention business.
The Business of Interventions is a bonus section that walks you through the Small Business Administrations guide for starting a small business.