Sex and Pornography Addiction Recovery Certification Training
The leading online provider of AFFORDABLE online, self-paced addiction recovery certification training to help you start your new career!
Sex and Pornography Addiction Recovery Coaching Online Training (SPARC)
In recent years, we have begun to hear more about sex and pornography addiction. Now you can gain the skills, tools and understanding necessary to help people struggling with addictive sexually related behaviors. This curriculum provides you with over 150 hours of self-paced training courses to make it as easy as possible to gain the skills to help this rapidly growing client population.
Sex and pornography addiction is vastly under-treated for several reasons.
- Like other process addictions, such as gambling, food and internet, there is a tendency to minimize the impact or severity of these addictions.
- Many people use process addictions as “back ups” when trying to recover from their primary addiction.
- Clinicians are not comfortable with or trained in assessing and treating sex and pornography addiction
- There is still a stigma about discussing sex and /or pornography addiction.
To clarify… Sex addiction counseling is NOT sex therapy, it IS addiction treatment. The Sex and Pornography Addiction Recovery Coach (SPARC) helps people see the connection between their compulsive sexual behaviors and life struggles. The SPARC helps people understand why these behaviors developed and exist, what function they serve, and how to identify and deal with triggers in a healthier or more purposeful manner. Like other process addictions, there are likely reasons that each person gravitates toward particular behaviors (sex vs. gambling vs. exercise). This requires the SPARC to have special training and insight regarding general underlying issues for the person with sex or pornography addiction and ways to help the person cope. Likewise, the relationship issues that are often caused from sex or pornography addiction are quite different than those caused by other forms of addiction. Again, the SPARC is trained in identifying and assisting people in their recovery from compulsive sexual and pornography related behaviors.