Counseling and Case Management Certificate Training & Master Classes
As the field of counseling grows, it also becomes more specialized. We have a variety of certificate training programs available, and are in the process of adding more. The specialty certificate programs combine a series of specialized, self-paced, multimedia classes to provide the necessary academic training to work with a particular population or disorder. Consult your local addictions counselor certification board about additional requirements to become board certified. (Note: If you are already certified or licensed in another discipline, these courses usually count toward your CEUs. Check our approval page to ensure our courses meet the requirements of your state boards.)
Many states do not offer official certificates for Case Managers, Community Health Workers or Behavioral Health Technicians etc.; however, having the certificate from AllCEUs proves to your employer that you have advanced training.
Our Certificate Training Programs
Addiction Counseling Case Management Clinical Supervision Community Health/Behavioral Health Tech Criminal Justice Interventionist Integrated Behavioral Health Practitioner Mental Health Professional Prevention Specialist Recovery Support & Recovery Peer Specialist Recovery Residence Administrator Sex and Porn Addiction Telehealth Tobacco Trauma Informed Care Youth Mental Health
Addiction Counselor Pre-Certification
Train to become an addiction counselor in less than 6 months. This track provides the required addiction-specific training hours in a self-paced multimedia course. This training is available to help you meet your state requirements for becoming certified or licensed as an addiction counselor (MCAP, LADC, LADAC, CAC etc.)
- Addiction Counselor Certification Training (Most states) 415 Hours. This is the most comprehensive course and will best prepare you for the NAADAC or IC&RC exam. It meets or exceeds the requirements of most states.
- Addiction Professional Tier 1 (Florida) 150 Hours
- Addiction Professional Tier 2 (Florida) 250 Hours
- Alcohol and Drug Counselor (Virginia) 300 Hours
- Allied Addiction Professional Certificate (PA) 98 Hours
- Associate Addiction Counselor (Certified-PA) 300 Hours
- Associate Addiction Counselor (VA) 200 Hours
- Associate Addiction Counselor (PA) 120 Hours
- Masters Level Certified Addictions Professional (Florida) 161 Hours
Case Management
Case management is essential to help people connect with available resources to enhance their quality of life.
We offer 2 case management tracks.
The first is 50 hours and aligns with the Florida Certification Board (FCB) training guidelines for certification as a Behavioral Health Case Manager (CBHCM).
The second is a certification through AllCEUs for a Certified Comprehensive Case Manager (CCCM) and is 325 hours. Learn More
Clinical Supervisor Certification
Most states require you to have between 12 and 30 hours to become an approved or certified clinical supervisor. This track provides 30 hours. Learn More

Community Health Worker
This 30 hour training track prepares you for an entry-level certificate for getting into the field of counseling or social work. Community Health Workers assist licensed clinicians in monitoring patients, increasing health literacy and enhancing treatment compliance. Learn More
Behavioral Health Technician
Similar to the community health worker, this is an entry level certification for people wanting to work specifically in mental health settings. Learn more
Many states do not officially certify Community Health Workers or Behavioral Health Technicians, however, having the certificate from AllCEUs proves to your employer that you have advanced training.
Criminal Justice Counselor
People in the criminal justice system have often experienced trauma and may have mental and physical illnesses and addictions. This track helps you learn about criminogenic thinking and cognitive behavioral tools for change. Learn More
Interventionist Certification
Interventions are strategies that are used to help encourage someone to seek treatment for their mental health or addiction issues. This track is based on a holistic, family-based approach to intervention. Learn More

Integrated (Holistic) Behavioral Health Practitioner
This is an add-on certificate that can help you learn how physical health, interpersonal relationships, emotional regulation, cognitions and environments (PIECE) contribute to the person's current distress. Learn more

Mental Health Professional
This 350 hour training track prepares people who do not have an advanced college degree for getting into the field of counseling or social work. Certified Mental Health Professionals assist licensed clinicians in monitoring patients, facilitating groups and intakes, increasing health literacy and enhancing treatment compliance. Learn More

Prevention Specialist
This 120 hour training track prepares you for an entry-level certificate for getting into the field of addiction and co-occurring disorder prevention. Prevention Specialists work in many outpatient and community-based programs to help people embrace healthier behaviors and prevent future mental and physical health issues. Learn More

Recovery Support Specialist or Recovery Peer Specialist
This is an entry-level certificate for getting into the field of addiction and co-occurring disorder counseling. Recovery Support Specialists and Recovery Peer Specialists are used in many outpatient and residential programs to provide milieu monitoring and group counseling under the supervision of a fully licensed therapist.
- Peer Recovery Support Specialist 50 Hours (Texas)
- Recovery Peer Specialist (CRPS) 40 Hours
- Recovery Support Specialist (75 Hours)
Recovery Residence Administrator
Many states are now requiring recovery residences (sober homes/halfway houses) to be supervised by a state certified Recovery Residence Administrator. We have designed this curriculum to provide training in the required areas. Learn More
Sex & Porn Addiction Recovery Coach
Coaches do not diagnose or treat mental health or addictive issues. As a coach you work with individuals to help them achieve their goals for a happy, healthy life. The SPARC certificate provides you specialized information about working with people in recovery from sex and pornography addiction issues. This track does require the purchase of a couple paperback books from New Harbinger which provide extremely helpful activities and worksheets to use with clients. Learn More
Trauma Informed Care MasterClass
Our multimedia trauma informed care track prepares you to help people exposed to trauma due to violence, abuse, neglect, loss,or disaster. Trauma Informed Care facilitates an organizational culture that helps contain, manage and transform people's traumatic life experiences. Additionally, a trauma-informed, recovery/resilience-oriented philosophy and approach to care, treatment and services is embedded in the Joint Commission accreditation requirements. Learn More
Telehealth Professional (E-Therapy)
Whether you are a coach or a counselor, training in e-therapy will prepare you to apply to become a Certified Telehealth Provider (e-therapy). This training will provide you the basic tools and information you need to run an ethical, online practice. Learn More
Tobacco Treatment Specialist
Whether you are a coach or a counselor, this training will provide you the basic tools and information you need to help people stop using nicotine and tobacco products. Learn More
Youth Mental Health Certificate (Master Class)
This 80-hour track reviews child and adolescent physical and psychosocial development, symptoms of mental illness and age-appropriate interventions. Learn More