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Improving Sleep for Mental and Physical Health

Cause Sleeping too much can indicate poor quality sleep due to stress, poor sleep habits, pain, hormone or neurochemical imbalances, allergies, dehydration or inadequate nutrition.  Sometimes you may sleep because you are tired. Sometimes you may sleep because you...

Meditation for Health and Recovery

Meditation helps people rest their mind, tame the monkey mind, increase focus and even improve health and mental health. It does not necessarily involve sitting still or chanting a phrase. There are dozens of types of meditation. The key is finding the right fit for...

Trauma Informed Interventions

Trauma is a reality, however, multiple people can experience the same event and have different reactions.  Additionally, after a person has experienced a trauma, memories protective reactions can be triggered by future situations.  This is true not only for the people...

Counselor Toolbox Discussion Group

Last week we talked a lot about oxytocin.  This week we will focus on attachment theory and the research related to the impact of parental attachment styles, attachment styles and mental and physical health, attachment related interventions.  Below you will find my...