by AllCEUs Counseling Education | Mar 17, 2018
A direct link to the CEU course is Get help now. Porn Addiction Self Help Program. Addiction Counselor Exam Review $75: Includes 40 videos with review sheets and pdfs of the Powerpoints. 1250 question...
by Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes | May 16, 2016
Food addiction and binge eating impact men and women of all ages. Nearly 50% of binge eaters are men Like other behavioral addictions, food can be used to help the person deal with pain or distress or amp up the pleasure centers enough just to feel...
by Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes | May 4, 2016
Co-Dependency Awareness and Interventions from Dr. DawnElise Snipes â
Unlimited Counselor Training Excellent primer on codependency Conquering Codependency Mini-Course â 8-part video mini-course discussing codependency and related topics like personal space,...
by Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes | Apr 22, 2016
There is a TON of information out there about PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. For simplicity, there are basically two types of PTSD. Single Episode Onset PTSD happens when you are the victim of, or witness something so horrific or life threatening, that a...
by Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes | Apr 21, 2016
by Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes | Apr 19, 2016