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15 Tips to Stop Rumination

Picture this: You’re lying in bed, trying to drift off to sleep, but your brain has other plans. It’s like there’s a never-ending news ticker at the bottom of your TV screen, except it’s in your mind, replaying worries, what-ifs, and memories you’d rather forget. Welcome to the world of ruminating thoughts, a place many of us visit but desperately wish to leave.

Emotional Aspects of Porn Addiction Recovery

Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Qualified Clinical Supervisor. She received her PhD in Mental Health Counseling from the University of Florida in 2002. In addition to being a practicing clinician, she has provided training to counselors,...

15 Signs You Are Hitting Bottom in Codependency

In the shadows of relationships, codependency emerges as a complex dance of emotional turmoil, where one person’s well-being becomes intricately tied to the other’s actions, emotions, and approval. This entanglement, often born from a history of abandonment and trauma, can lead us down a path of obsessive anxiety, emotional exhaustion, and a relentless pursuit of control, all in the name of love and care. But there comes a moment, a precipice, where the pain of staying the same eclipses the fear of change, signaling a time for transformation.

Escape the Grip of Porn Addiction

In our digital age, the accessibility of pornography has led to its increased consumption and, for some, the development of a pornography addiction. This addiction, like any other, can have profound impacts on both mental and physical health, relationships, and overall quality of life. However, the journey to recovery, while challenging, is filled with hope and possibility for reclaiming control and finding balance.