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Post Traumatic Growth | Counseling and Social Work Skills

Recovering from trauma isn’t just about moving past your past, it’s about growing from it. This process, often referred to as post-traumatic growth, involves transforming a traumatic event into a pivot point for personal development. Imagine you’re reshaping the way you see yourself, your relationships, and your place in the world because of, not in spite of, your experiences.

Signs of CoDependency and Tips to Address Them | Addiction Counseling and Social Work Skills

Do you ever find yourself feeling responsible for the happiness and well-being of others, to the point where your own needs and desires seem unimportant or neglected? If so, you might be experiencing signs of codependency, a pattern of behavior where your self-worth, emotions, and behaviors are excessively linked to others. Let’s delve into what codependency is, why it happens, and how you can start to untangle from these patterns to foster a healthier, more balanced relationship with yourself and others.

Chemical and Behavioral Addiction Overview Part 2 | Addiction Counseling and Social Work Training

Addiction is a complex condition that affects the brain and behavior. There are two main types of addictions: chemical and behavioral. Chemical addictions involve substances like drugs or alcohol, while behavioral addictions involve activities such as gambling, gaming, or eating. Despite differences in the nature of these addictions, they share many similarities in how they affect individuals and require similar approaches to treatment.

Sex and Porn Addiction | Addiction Counseling and Social Work Skills

Navigating through the complexities of sex addiction can be a challenging journey, not only for individuals experiencing it but also for professionals striving to provide effective support. Unlike other addictions, sex addiction dwells in a realm where societal norms, biological urges, and psychological factors intertwine in intricate ways. It’s crucial to understand that while sex addiction might not yet be officially recognized in diagnostic manuals, its impact on individuals’ lives and relationships is significant and real.

Escaping the Porn Trap: How to Break Free | Addiction Counseling and Social Work Skills

Imagine a trap that’s not made of steel, but of pixels and instant gratification. This trap doesn’t snap shut, but gradually ensnares with each click and every view. This is the pornography trap, a subtle yet powerful lure that many find themselves struggling with in today’s digital age. As someone who may never see the video on escaping this trap, it’s crucial to understand both the lure and the mechanisms at play, and more importantly, how to break free.

From Pleasure to Pain: The Neuroscience of Porn Addiction Unraveled

Porn addiction is a complex and growing problem that affects many individuals. It involves the excessive use of pornography, leading to significant physical, emotional, and social consequences. This article will explain the neuroscience behind porn addiction, the development of cravings, tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, and actionable steps to manage and overcome this addiction.