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ADHD and Attachment Trauma | Counseling and Social Work CEUs

Understanding the intricacies of ADHD, especially its intertwining with rejection sensitivity and attachment trauma, unveils a realm of psychological complexity that impacts not just childhood but can stretch into adulthood. Imagine navigating a world where every stimulus, from the buzz of a lightbulin to the texture of your clothes, fights for your undivided attention. For individuals with ADHD, this is their reality—a world where the brain struggles to filter out the insignificant, making everything overwhelmingly significant. This continuous bombardment of stimuli makes tasks that seem mundane to others feel like climbing a mountain without a harness.

7 Signs You Have a Trauma | Counseling and Social Work Skills

A trauma bond is a powerful emotional attachment between a victim and an abuser, where the victim rationalizes or justifies the abuse, often blaming themselves or believing the abuse is a sign of love. This bond is a common consequence of complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) and can significantly affect a person’s ability to recognize and escape abusive relationships.