- Identify the four core activities or petals on the flower
- Identify what the stem of the flower symbolizes
- Identify what the leaves of the flower symbolize and the ideals they represent
- Identify the five axioms that the route of the flower are grounded in
- Identify the four areas which should be assessed to determine what level of assistance or types of assistance are needed
- Identify the three areas to probe to identify resources and supports
- Discuss why family Center practices in the workplace are imperative for carrying out the "flower empower" goals
- Define unexpected Life Events
- Explain what is meant by "flower (em)power"
- Explain what "family" means
- Identify the five R’s used to promote health in expected and unexpected Life Events
- Identify four core activities necessary to develop a genuine partnership with the family
- Identify the three areas of major emphasis when providing family centered care
- Teacher: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes