  • Understand the Neuroscience of Mental Health
  • Receive an Overview of Mental Illness
  • Identify Manifestations of Mental Illness
  • Learn About the Epidemiology of Mental Illness
  • Describe the Biopsychosocial Model of Disease
  • Review Information About Individual Development, Temperament, and Risk Factors
  • Review Basic Concepts of Prevention
  • Describe the Range of Treatments
  • Review the Basics of Mental Health Services
  • Explore the Role of Cultural Diversity in Mental Health Services
  • Discuss the Impact of the Recovery Concept
  • 15 strategies for the prevention of mental illness including community education, early intervention services, community resource development, improving accessibility, improving cultural sensitivity, enhancing protective factors in the environment, drug and domestic violence courts to break the cycle, and more.


  • Define vulnerabilities
  • Identify some of the most common vulnerabilities: sleep disturbances, poor nutrition and pain and discuss how they can negatively impact mental health
  • Explore their effects ways to prevent them
  • Review the nutritional building blocks for health and wellness
  • Examine how these nutrients (or lack thereof) contribute to neurotransmitter balance
  • Identify several nutrient dense foods that you can include in your diet
  • Explore the effects of pain
  • Helping client's understand their pain and exacerbating and mitigating factors
  • Medical Interventions for pain
  • Nonmedical Interventions for pain


  • 15 strategies for the prevention of mental illness including
    • community education
    • early intervention services
    • community resource development
    • improving accessibility
    • improving cultural sensitivity
    • enhancing protective factors in the environment
    • drug and domestic violence courts to break the cycle, and more.
  • Describe why should a counselor be concerned with promoting wellness
  • Describe how good nutrition contributes to protecting against depression, anxiety
  • Discuss how obesity, high cholesterol, hypertension can contribute to depression and anxiety
  • Describe cholesterol
  • List the issues that are related to obese people developing depression
  • Explain how depression can lead people to eat more and be more sedentary leading to obesity which worsens the depression
  • Explain why “comfort foods” high in sugar can cause a “crash” in blood sugar leading to a worsening of depression
  • Identify the percentage of high school girls who have used vomiting or laxatives for weight control in the last three months
  • Identify the percentage of high school girls reporting subclinical symptoms of eating disorders
  • Describe ways obese patients are viewed
  • Discuss the impact of obesity on patients receiving adequate medical treatment
  • Identify how early the negative attitudes towards obese people emerge
  • Explain why unhealthy people often are not motivated to make healthy changes
  • Describe ways clinicians can help patients focus on environmental factors that influence eating and activity


  • Define Jungian Archetypes
  • Explore the four cardinal orientations
  • Compare the 3 Archetypes to the 4 Temperaments Commonly used by the MBTI and Keirsey Temperament Sorter
    • https://www.123test.com/jung-typology/
    • http://www.soulcraft.co/essays/the_12_common_archetypes.html