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Vocational Goals & Skills
Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes PhD, LPC-MHSP, LMHC

Continuing Education (CE) credits can be earned for this presentation at

~    Identify the purposes of vocational goals
~    Learn ways to help people explore vocational wants and needs
~    Learn about the CGOE online
~    Define and explore the concept of functional assessment
~    Review skills related to finding, getting and maintaining a job
~    Discuss job coaching
Why I Care/How It Impacts Recovery
~    Jobs
~    Provide structure
~    Fill time
~    Help clients practice new interpersonal, coping, refusal skills in a semi-structured environment
~    Reinforce the concepts of honesty, faith, trust and hope
~    Provide a sense of accomplishment
~    Financially support
Vocational Needs and Wants
~    Needs
~    Regular hours (preferably not overnight)
~    Boundaries
~    Drug free environment
~    Reasonable stress
~    Extrovert vs. Introvert
~    Structure vs. Spontaneous (Judging vs. Perceiving)
~    An effective supervisor
Vocational Wants
~    Wants
~    Pay
~    Opportunity for advancement
~    Power
DOT and CGOE Online
~    Dictionary of Occupational Titles
~    Guide for Occupational Exploration
~    Print
~    O*NET OnLine
~    Interest Profiler
~    Results can be directly linked to over 900 occupations in O*NET OnLine
~    Checklist
~    Identifying Skills

Finding and Getting a Job
~    Create a resume
~    Use skills and abilities identified from ONet functional assessment
~    Keep it one page
~    Be prepared to address gaps in employment
~    Interview
~    Dress for the occasion
~    Be on time
~    Don’t overdo the perfume/cologne/makeup
~    Stay positive
Finding and Getting a Job
Guide for Occupational Exploration  Print O*NET OnLine

Functional Assessment Checklist
Identifying Skills


Hiring and Supported Employment
Federal Bonding Program
Article about hiring people with a mental illness
SAMHSA Supported Employment Best Practices

Maintaining a Job
~    Punctuality
~    Make the tasks you hate manageable
~    Find solutions
~    Ensure frequent rewards
~    Review the benefits of your job regularly
~    Review your job expectations on a regular basis and identify areas for improvement
~    Maintain a support system outside of work
~    Remember that you often recreate your family of origin at work
~    Regularly discuss work relationships with your coach/sponsor/therapist

~    Burnout work environments are common
~    Characteristics
~    Unclear requirements
~    Discipline without reinforcement/recognition
~    Impersonal
~    High stress with no down time
~    General stress
~    Personal Stress
~    Lack of personal control/no say
~    Poor communication

Related Issues
~    Money Management
~    Direct deposit
~    Co-Signer on withdrawals larger than $50
~    No ATM
~    No debit card
~    Prepaid credit cards to rebuild credit
~    Budgeting –New job can seem like Christmas
~    Work addiction/compulsion
~    Set long term occupational goals
Job Coaches and OneStops
~    Have awareness of local hiring trends
~    Have connections with addiction and disability friendly employers
~    May be aware of certain programs
~    Federal Bonding Program
~    Supported employment
~    Article about hiring people with a mental illness
~    SAMHSA Supported Employment Best Practices
~    Employment provides a variety of benefits to the person in recovery
~    Self-Esteem
~    Structure
~    Financial independence
~    Social Support
~    A safe(er) place to practice new skills
~    ONet provides an online resource to identify career skills and abilities and jobs that fit the person
~    The first 6 months of employment often require significant support from a coach/sponsor/therapist
~    Maintaining Motivation
~    Identifying family of origin issues