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Criminal Justice Counseling Certificate training tracks starting at $89
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AllCEUs is also approved as an education provider for NAADAC, the States of Florida and Texas Boards of Social Work and Mental Health/Professional Counseling, the California Consortium for Addiction Professionals and Professions. Our courses are accepted in most states through those approvals.

3.  Define criminogenic thinking patterns  Compare and contrast criminogenic and addictive thinking patterns  Identify behaviors employed because of these thinking patterns  Explore the benefits to these behaviors and thinking patterns  Identify interventions to address these patterns
4.  Low Self Control ◦ Impulsivity ◦ Inability to delay gratification  Defensive and/or Manipulative  Here and Now Orientation  Poor Interpersonal Skills (Empathy, Communication)  Low Self-Esteem  Ineffective Coping Skills
5.  closed channel thinking  victim stance  “good person” stance  “unique person” stance  fear of exposure  lack-of-time perspective  selective effort  use of power to control  seek excitement first  ownership stance Criminal Thinking Patterns Addictive Thinking Patterns  closed channel thinking  self-pity stance  “good person” stance  “unique person” stance  fear of exposure  lack-of-time perspective  selective effort  use of deceit to control  seek pleasure first  ownership stance
6.  Not receptive to any constructive feedback/not self critical  No disclosure  Lies by omission ◦ “I don't remember.” ◦ “That's none of your business.” ◦ “I didn't lie. I told you I wasn't at work. I just didn't say I was fired”  Good at pointing out, giving feedback on faults of others ◦ If you wouldn’t have…. ◦ You have no room to talk about me when you…  Motivation/Benefit?
7. Views self as victim Extremely external locus of control… “Nobody will give me a chance” Motivation/Benefit? Intervention  Identify all-or-nothing cognitive distortions (find exceptions)  Identify the things he or she has control over
8. Blames others Motivation/Benefit? Intervention  Role play the other person’s position to understand their motivations  Three finger rule
9.  Focuses only on his/her positive attributes ◦ Motivation/Benefit?  Fails to acknowledge his/her destructive behavior ◦ Motivation/Benefit?  Builds self up at others expense ◦ Motivation/Benefit?  Intervention  Constructive Feedback Sandwich  Explore feedback as specific information about a changeable behavior
10.  Unwilling to do anything he/she finds boring or disagreeable ◦ “I can't” meaning “I won't“ ◦ Doing only the minimum to get by  Motivation/Benefit?  Intervention ◦ Premack principle ◦ Decisional balance exercise ◦ Explore what it means to do the task
11.  Responsible living viewed as unexciting and unsatisfying ◦ No sense of obligation ◦ Will respond only if there is an immediate payoff  Motivation/Benefit?  Intervention  Premack principle (again)
12.  Does not use past as a learning tool ◦ Or cannot (FASD)  Expects others to act immediately on his/her/demands  Decisions on assumptions (and feelings), not facts  Motivation/Benefit?  Interventions ◦ Explore relapses/reoffending for commonalities ◦ Provide training on problem solving using the wise mind ◦ Practice perspective taking
13.  Very Fearful of ◦ Loss of Control (of people, situations, emotions) ◦ Failure/Rejection (What they do is who they are) ◦ Isolation ◦ The Unknown  Often externally validated/low-self esteem  Interventions ◦ Self-Esteem building ◦ Learning about basic fears and fight or flight responses
