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3. Define criminogenic thinking patterns Compare and contrast criminogenic and addictive thinking patterns Identify behaviors employed because of these thinking patterns Explore the benefits to these behaviors and thinking patterns Identify interventions to address these patterns AllCEUs.com
4. Low Self Control ◦ Impulsivity ◦ Inability to delay gratification Defensive and/or Manipulative Here and Now Orientation Poor Interpersonal Skills (Empathy, Communication) Low Self-Esteem Ineffective Coping Skills AllCEUs.com
5. closed channel thinking victim stance “good person” stance “unique person” stance fear of exposure lack-of-time perspective selective effort use of power to control seek excitement first ownership stance Criminal Thinking Patterns Addictive Thinking Patterns closed channel thinking self-pity stance “good person” stance “unique person” stance fear of exposure lack-of-time perspective selective effort use of deceit to control seek pleasure first ownership stance 5AllCEUs.com
6. Not receptive to any constructive feedback/not self critical No disclosure Lies by omission ◦ “I don't remember.” ◦ “That's none of your business.” ◦ “I didn't lie. I told you I wasn't at work. I just didn't say I was fired” Good at pointing out, giving feedback on faults of others ◦ If you wouldn’t have…. ◦ You have no room to talk about me when you… Motivation/Benefit? AllCEUs.com
7. Views self as victim Extremely external locus of control… “Nobody will give me a chance” Motivation/Benefit? Intervention Identify all-or-nothing cognitive distortions (find exceptions) Identify the things he or she has control over AllCEUs.com
8. Blames others Motivation/Benefit? Intervention Role play the other person’s position to understand their motivations Three finger rule AllCEUs.com
9. Focuses only on his/her positive attributes ◦ Motivation/Benefit? Fails to acknowledge his/her destructive behavior ◦ Motivation/Benefit? Builds self up at others expense ◦ Motivation/Benefit? Intervention Constructive Feedback Sandwich Explore feedback as specific information about a changeable behavior AllCEUs.com
10. Unwilling to do anything he/she finds boring or disagreeable ◦ “I can't” meaning “I won't“ ◦ Doing only the minimum to get by Motivation/Benefit? Intervention ◦ Premack principle ◦ Decisional balance exercise ◦ Explore what it means to do the task
11. Responsible living viewed as unexciting and unsatisfying ◦ No sense of obligation ◦ Will respond only if there is an immediate payoff Motivation/Benefit? Intervention Premack principle (again) AllCEUs.com
12. Does not use past as a learning tool ◦ Or cannot (FASD) Expects others to act immediately on his/her/demands Decisions on assumptions (and feelings), not facts Motivation/Benefit? Interventions ◦ Explore relapses/reoffending for commonalities ◦ Provide training on problem solving using the wise mind ◦ Practice perspective taking AllCEUs.com
13. Very Fearful of ◦ Loss of Control (of people, situations, emotions) ◦ Failure/Rejection (What they do is who they are) ◦ Isolation ◦ The Unknown Often externally validated/low-self esteem Interventions ◦ Self-Esteem building ◦ Learning about basic fears and fight or flight responses AllCEUs.com