Special Populations: Children and Adolescents

  • Objectives
    • Uri Brofenbrenner’s Socio-Ecological Theory of development
    • Sociological Influences (Risk and Protective Factors) on Youth Mental Health
    • Physical (Body and brain), cognitive and psychosocial stages of child and adolescent development
    • Unique developmental and mental health issues for adolescents using the PACER approach
    • Impact of mental ill-health on young people

    $149.00 for 365 days
  • Objectives
    • Identify the major psycho-social milestones for each age group
    • Learn about things that may thwart development
    • Identify protective factors for healthy development
    • Conceptualize behaviors as goal-driven in order to better understand their purpose and provide appropriate redirection
    $18.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Define resilience
    • Explore characteristics of Resilient People
    • Identify how to help people become more resilient
    • Highlight activities which can help people deal with unpleasant events when they happen

    Based in part on Counselor Toolbox Episode 384

    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Explore the developmental tasks and needs of the infant stage (0-2 years old)
      • Maslow (Biological and safety needs)
      • Erickson (Trust vs. Mistrust)
      • Bowlby (Attachment)
      • Piaget (Cognition/schema formation)
    • Discuss how failure to get these needs met can result in later mental health issues
    • Discuss how failure to resolve the trust vs. mistrust crisis results in later mental health issues
    • Discuss how infant’s primitive cognitive abilities develop dysfunctional schemas for later in life
    • Examine how the child is starting to develop self esteem through initiative and independence
    • Explore what can go wrong in each stage and what can be done to repair damages now.
    • Review developmental tasks children accomplish at each stage
    • Examine how children’s thinking patterns are different than that of both toddlers and adolescents
    • Explore ways to assist children and teens in enhancing their self esteem
    • Introduce Kohlberg's theory of moral development
    • Examine how teens thinking patterns are different than that of both pre-teens and adults
    • Review Kohlberg's theory of moral development
    $24.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Learn about the effects of obesity on health and mental health
    • Identify best practices for addressing obesity in childhood
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objective

    • Define complex trauma.
    • Highlight the cost of complex trauma.
    • Examine the impact and diagnostic issues of complex trauma.
    • Continue discussing impact of complex trauma on children and adolescents.
    • Identify the function of presenting symptoms.
    • Learn to apply practical tools to aid in teaching new skills and tools and helping the patient improve quality of life.


    $12.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Define Psychological Flexibility
    • List the Main Principles of Psychological Flexibility
    • Identify the Components of Psychological Flexibility
    • Describe How to Teach Psychological Flexibility
    • Explain the Short Cut Question
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Identify the developmental tasks of adolescents and what can be done to facilitate those
    • Review unique points to remember when dealing with adolescents
    • Identify protective factors
    • Identify antecedents to high risk behaviors
    • Brainstorm ways to address antecedents with the individual, in school, in communities and in families
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Identify the CARES approach to creating secure attachment
    • Explore the needs of children in infancy, early childhood and middle and high school to identify
    • Challenges
    • Ways to promote secure attachment in an age-appropriate manner
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Move from a deficits based to a differences based approach to interaction
    • Describe the unique interpersonal needs of people with autism spectrum disorders
    • Identify characteristics necessary to form secure attachments
    • List at least 5 practices that caregivers and teachers can use to improve connection with children on the autism spectrum.
    $6.00 for 90 days

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